
Friday, April 22, 2011

Fitness and bathing suits and challenges and such

I recently ordered this bathing suit from Land's End.

Last summer at the pool - see above for me exclaiming how! much! fun! we are having! and Jordan not buying a bit of it - I just wore an old bikini with a T-shirt over it. But we'll be going on a couple beach/pool-filled trips this summer and I need a suit that actually fits.

We'll see how this one goes. Even if you're reasonably happy with your body, the swimsuit business tends to be traumatic. I am not inclined to cram myself into suits and examine my ass in three-way mirrors in the store. Nothankyou.

Swimsuitquest 2011, however, coincided with my high school friend Wendy's email about her Spring into Bathing Suit Season Challenge. Complete with prizes!

Wendy's a mother of two who works out when her kids are sleeping, and over the years has gotten hard-core into fitness programs you can do at home, such as P90X, and most recently TurboFire - so much so that she's become a coach and has started selling their products.

She now has a reunion coming up and is working her ass off. In the past three weeks, she's lost: 7 pounds, 2 inches in the waist, and 2 inches in the hips. Even if you're not interested in participating in the challenge, you might be interested in reading about her progress.

So as not to mislead you, I'm not participating, simply because right now I'm not at a place in life for super hardcore workouts and supplements. But if you're looking to shake up your fitness routine, you might want to check it out!

Happy Friday, all!


  1. I really like that swimsuit too... tempted to steal it! Now... I kinda want your friend's secret too. Happy Friday!

  2. I like the suit too! I started back on my fitness routine last week and already feel so much better. I have a reunion in July and our son graduates Navy Seal training in San Diego in November. I love having a goal. Somehow I won't just do it for the fit feeling(yet)Oh and kids and water, first you can't get them in it and then you can't get them out of it.

  3. That swimsuit is really cute! I started P90X about 6 weeks ago. I made it 3 days. The time commitment was so intense that I couldn't do it. I don't always have 60+ minutes (plus setting up, changing, showering time) to work out, and P90X had no shorter option.

  4. I tried on bathing suits yesterday at target and a top size L was still too small for these ordinarily small breastfeeding boobs... even though they don't seem large to me anymore, I'm going around with no bra already.

    But an XL was way too big... I could never order online! But I hope your cute suit fits when it arrives!

  5. Cute suit! Over here the winter weather has started and the swimming has gone by the board now. Its also Easter weekend here too so Happy Easter to you, Jordan and Nick.


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