
Monday, April 11, 2011

I do not like it party hat

Some of us have been reading Go, Dog. Go! a little too many million times.

What this exchange made me realize is that Jordan is actually really listening when we read. I don't know why I assumed he was mostly just looking at the pictures.

Apparently when I was two-ish, I had a couple books memorized. I'd pretend that I could read.

I'd offer to read to older kids. Older, but not yet of reading age.

And they'd be all impressed and then choose another book - one I didn't know by heart. "Read this one!"

And I'd say, "No. I don't feel like it."

Maybe, now that I think about it, this is why they punished me by not letting me be the Christmas Lobster in the preschool play?


  1. So cute! I had Little Red Riding Hood memorized. I could even turn the pages in the right place. My mom used to ask me to "read" when some friend of hers got too snotty about their kid!

  2. Hahaha - she showed them! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, so precious. And is Mr. Jordan brilliant or what? I have to admit, we read the same book sometimes, and I am pretty thankful Morgan isn't in love with it. It's kinda, well... I hate to put down Dr. Seuss but this book is kinda plotless.

    I suppose it is good for teaching directional and color concepts but... Another one that disturbs me is Love You Forever. I know that everyone loves this one and it is supposed to be sweet but am I the only one that thinks it is weird that the mother crawls across the floor of her grown sons bedroom to hold him in the middle of the night?

    But anyways, Jordan is brilliant. His little sentences are just precious.

  4. Oh, thanks! This was one of my absolute faves as a kid and it brings back such good memories, so I have a very high tolerance for reading it overandoverandover. I remember getting so excited about the tree...I couldn't wait to see the DOG PARTY!!!

    As for Love You Forever...I don't know that book but that sounds kid of creepy...

  5. Ha! Loooove Go, Dog. Go! What a cutie.

  6. I am so sorry I just kinda insulted one of your childhood favorite books. Please don't pay attention to me. It's just not one of my favorites. I feel like such a jackass.

  7. Wendy - He is so sweet. When he's not throwing tantrums. :)

    Angel JAM - I'm not remotely insulted! It is definitely thin on plot.

  8. I <3 your yellow walls! Cute kid too :)

  9. I just got to sit down for the day (the sun was shining! I worked in it all day!) and I am spent and tired and needed an LG fix. I watched your sweet boy twice and I may watch it again (hope that's not to creepy) But what a perfect ending to my perfect day. Thanks for sharing him.

  10. We loved anything by Dr. Suess.

    And Who's Got The Apple? by Jan Loof. My son could always get me to read that one, no matter how fried I was.

    I too love your yeller walls, and that spunky kid, too!

  11. Seriously, thats pretty bloody clever!

    Is that the book where they all have a picnic on the treetops? Oh my god I loved that book! I'd sit and stare at that page for days, weeks, DESPERATELY wanting to BE there!

    That is one cute clever boy you have!

  12. He's wonderful!! And how could you not smile at that face?


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