
Sunday, May 20, 2012

One big month old!

Last week was difficult, and yesterday was a hard, hard day, and it's fortunate that I'm writing this today, after getting SIX STRAIGHT HOURS of sleep last night! Because yesterday, I hit my limit, and went to a very bad place.

But that's not for this post, because I want this to be about you.

You've grown a ton, and tomorrow we find out how much. You've sped through the newborn clothes, though, and are even too long for some of the 0-3 clothes we have. You've gotten that adorable baby chub chub on your thighs and arm, and even your wrists have little folds! I love it!
Yesterday, my sweet baby India, you turned a month old.

When you're awake, you think you should be eating. You're willing to take a pacifier for about 3-5 minutes, and then you're done.

Today you hung out in the musical swing for about 15 minutes, which is the longest you've tolerated it while awake. Like the six-hour sleeping, I'm of course hoping it's the beginning of a trend.

But I'm not so foolish that I'm not knocking wood as I type.

You've gone from being a totally confused little newborn to being a seasoned nurser. You see the nipple up close and you get what I think of as a Kamikaze attack face. Jordan did it as well - maybe every baby does? Eyes totally focused on target, swooping forward.

I took you to the office this week, and you pooped on my friend Gloria's pants. It was pretty impressive, really, because you had this explosive poop that shot up the back of your diaper, missed your pants entirely, and decorated hers. Oh, and the floor outside my cube.

I'd joked about hoping my water broke at work; this is the next best thing.

Speaking of explosive, you have man-farts. It's incredible. Even big lumberjack Jordan didn't have those. They're as big as you are. Very impressive, but I do hope you grow out of them.

You are a huge snuggly love, you really are. I'm so glad you're here, and I am so excited to get to know you better and better.

Just please, please sleep a little bit more.

Love love love,



  1. wow, where did that time go? A month already? She is so adorable. Looking like herself and her brother. I hope he's adjusting. And that sleep thing I promise it gets better.

    And I would so cherish a letter from my mother.

    1. She does look like Jordan, doesn't she? And I know! One month!

  2. Aaaah! Look at the little smiler! She is totally beautiful.
    Also, I would like some pajamas just like those red flower ones.

    1. Thank you! That's an accidental smile. Still waiting for the smiling. I NEEEED the smiling to start! And she has some very cute hand-me-downs that I would wear as well. :)

  3. aww that first photo is just so damn gorgeous... and smoochzly and snuggly and looking like a little faerie.

    1. Yes! Look at that smoosh face! I love it!

  4. You've just totally given me baby fever again!! Too much adorableness, Sigh!

    1. Let me quash it for you: NO SLEEP makes you delirious and bitter and haggard. But the baby deliciousness almost evens it out.

  5. My God, you and Nick make beautiful babies!

    1. Ah, thank you! They are sweet, sweet kids.

  6. She is so pretty! And I love her name.

  7. lololol. She's going to love the man farts comment when she's 14.

    I just want to snorgle her and sniff all the baby-ness off her sweet head.

    My uterus just aches looking at her face!


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