
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Unbearable Lightness of Chemistry

You know how once in a while, or, anyway, maybe three times in an, oh, ever, you meet someone who just really gets you, in both a physical and emotional way?

Like, when you're in proximity to the person you feel like you have cinnamon red-hots pasted onto every centimeter of your body? And they can make you catch your breath simply by looking you in the eyes? And even if you are not actually with this person anymore, and just meet up for a friendly dinner and casual conversation, it feels like the air around you is sparkly?

It really bugs me, because you can't create this chemistry, and you can't force it to dissipate. And it's really, really hard to ignore, even if you don't act on it. Actually, you have to make a concerted effort not to act on it.

The fact that there are, albeit very few and far between, people in the world who make stepping off the ledge sooo enticing, no matter how high the precipice, is what is making it very hard for me to be a looker-before-I-leaper. Even if I understand that that's a realer, healthier approach to life and relationships.


  1. you're talking about me again aren't you.

  2. Sigh. John, you're not helping me be dark and mysterious.

  3. Of course, the downside of that elusive thing called chemistry sometimes makes you do eccentric stuff like buy rubber tubing and a new steel mallet, strap on some trusty Depends, and roadtrip to Orlando...

  4. that wasn't chemistry... it was rocket science.

  5. Very clever, John!

    And L Nowak - wow is that insanity!

  6. You can ACT on it, but if you do it consciously you'll be in a better place emotionally *in case* things don't go as planned (but they will).

    Looking before you leap is not about avoiding life so you don't get hurt; it's about knowing what you're getting into so you can approach it with objectivity.

  7. That was a really good explanation for Chemistry. I like it! And I totally agree with you. It is kind of bitter sweet. I love the feeling (only if it is mutual) and hate it when it is one sided and you are not sure...unrequited love? But relish the moment, that kind of chemistry does not last forever.

  8. I think when the chemistry is electric - you have to leap. When it's no longer right - you know. But being cautious because of past experiences shouldn't keep you from the potential of finding someone who makes you melt and meets all the other needs that chemistry alone can't touch...


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