
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Magnet Theory and why I shouldn't be trusted with documents

Our magnets arrived several weeks ago.

I had them sent to my work, and I was so excited when they arrived that I cut two of my fingers opening the box. With a scissor. I'm not sure how that happened. And yes, I was ridiculed for it.

So we were all thrilled and gung-ho and we sent out a batch of magnets to the people whose addresses we had readily available. We had a big outing to the post office and made sure we had enough postage on the ones going to faraway places like Europe and South Africa.

And on a side bar: What we've discovered from this first batch is that not everyone we sent them to - even just across town in DC - has gotten them. I was wondering if USPS was screening for magnets and holding them up.

And then Nick suggested that maybe some of them stuck to other magnetic things. Which makes sense - they were all sticking to each other through envelopes when we mailed them.

So it's conceivable that someone will get an extra envelope stuck to the back of theirs and hopefully will post it. Or some random stranger will wind up with one. Who knows.

So anyway. Then we agreed to collect the rest of our addresses. And then neither of us did anything about that for a while.

It's not like it's so hard to send an email or ten asking for an address, but even so, it's an easy thing to procrastinate on.

And then in the meantime, I went ahead and lost the list. THE LIST. Which was really just a printout of the Excel spreadsheet of names. I didn't realize it was The Official Document from which we were working.

It was a grotty piece of paper, dog-eared and rumpled from being repeatedly crammed into my purse. I just happened to have started writing on it and checking off names.

But according to Nick, I was keeping track. Where's OUR list?

If I'd known it was OUR list, I'd have given it to him to keep track of, because he's all organized and files things and makes spending spreadsheets and stuff. Plus I probably wouldn't have smeared chocolate on it or torn off a corner to throw away a piece of gum.

Heh. It's true.

But no. Not knowing it was an important piece of paper, I sashayed off into the sunshine with it firmly crumpled in the bottom of my bag. And then somehow didn't return to his house with it.

How could I lose The List?

The good thing was, I knew I hadn't lost it; I just didn't know where it was.

I found The List yesterday lying gently in the middle of my living room floor.

Magnet mailing can resume!


  1. Good God. You are so lucky to have found someone to marry you :)

  2. Haha, glad The List has been found!

    Now I'm going to shamelessly plug Google Docs.

    Google Docs has changed my life.

    One can upload xls, doc, txt, pdf docs or create new (if misplaced), and share / collaborate with others (Nick or Mom or whoever) and the information is on-line forever and ever whenever needed. All one needs is an email address, Gmail or otherwise.

    Although our household budget is now fully disclosed, I haven't figured out how to get Luke to actually READ it.

  3. seriously I snorted soda through my noise while reading this.

    I of course already have my magnet.

    Although mine was sandwiched in a card, so I suppose it was insulated from other magnets.

  4. I second the plug for Google Docs. It's a great way to share and keep documents online. You can even have multiple people working on the same document at the same time. Handy some times.

    The room mate and I use a Google doc to keep our current shopping list. It's handier than a list on the refrigerator, since I don't have to swing by the fridge before I go to the shop. I can just look up the current list on my crackberry.

  5. FreckledK - I AM lucky! :)

    HKW - This sounds like a very good idea. Because we keep sending these documents back and forth and then not knowing which version is the most recent. Thank you!

    Slightly Disorganized - Hee hee. And yes, yours had the insulation of a thank you card. :)

    VVK - Man, are you organized. A Google doc shopping list. I still operate with yellow stickies stuck to my cell phone half the time.

  6. Lisa... I think you're mistaking 'organization' with geeky laziness. Your average geek will spend an hour making a 5 minute process just a little bit simpler/easier... instead of just spending 5 minutes to do it. Setting this up was one form of that.

  7. Interesting. What if some random people show up at your wedding holding their mistakenly acquired magnets?

  8. Those magnets are way cute! :)


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