
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

And now Nick is all Albionic. Or, Britishisms abound!

This morning Nick got Britishized.

His mom is from England, and recently, he realized that he could apply for citizenship. And so he did.

They make the process remarkably easy, it turns out. He had to get his mom's documents and fill out a bunch of forms, and have some actual Brits who know him vouch for him being an upstanding citizen. And then, one day, they emailed and invited him to come on over to the embassy and become British. They were so polite and efficient about the whole thing.

So this morning he went to the embassy, and in my imagination they draped him in the Union Jack, served him tea and scones, and then made him sing Rule, Britannia! and kiss a picture of the queen. Although actually, I think they just made him sign something.

I'm guessing, because really, he didn't give me any details when he called.

Mostly he said things like, "Hello, luv! Crikey! Blimey! Fish and chips! Brilliant!"

He then sent an email, in which he referred to me as "mate," along the same lines.

It's cute how excited he is. I think we ought to go out for pints tonight to celebrate. I'm just waiting for him to suggest we round up some of the lads.

I envision conversation this evening being rather stilted.


  1. very cool! does that mean you can apply after the wedding?

  2. oh no..not stilted: the Brits prefer to think of themselves as droll. ;-) Now you need to start saying things like, "Lord, I'm so knackered", or, "I need to pop down to the shop for some...". Being Britishized is fun...

  3. mrsmac - I don't know. Now that W is on his way out, I'm not looking for a way out of the country. But I guess if we were ever to move to Europe, it would be useful.

    Ryane - Haha! Yes! You know, I don't know a lot of Britishisms - I'll use these this evening. Thanks!

  4. they also use the word tossed a lot.

    As in, "I was so shit-tossed the other night, when I took down my trousers in the loo, I nearly fell over into the toilet."

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

  5. The best part about this... there is a private pub in the embassy that is only open to subjects of the queen and invited guests.

  6. In the UK, c*nt is a term of endearment among men.

    You'll have to phone him on his mobile and let him know.

  7. SlightlyDisorganized - Hahahaha - thank you. :)

    RestaurantRefugee - Oooh - fun! I'll tell him!

    FreckledK - Yah, I think Maude and Dan had told me they were very casual with that word. Will definitely have to let him know. On his mobile.

  8. So funny. Living with Jason, I've become fluent in Aussie. When we get Zeke his Aussie citizenship, I full expect he'll start walking around saying, "g'day, mum, fancy a bevvy?" or "now, where did I put me sunnies? I'm tippin' for a surf this arvo."

  9. Wendy - That is hilarious! I hope so! And what's "arvo" - afternoon??

  10. yep. The Aussies never met a word they couldn't shorten and/or make silly.

  11. So I woke up this morning and greeted my lovely wife in a sing-songy way with the "term of endearment" "Good morning, C£nt!" After having to repeat it as she couldn't believe what I had just said, I told her I read it on your blog so it must be true! Anyway, having years of anecdotal evidence and one piece of empirical evidence, I can most assuredly tell you that it is not a term of endearment! A much more polite (albeit circumspect) way of using this is to say "See you Next Tuesday". Using your superior powers of text speak and the first letters of the last 2 words will garner you and Nick loads more British kudos.

  12. I lived in Scotland for a year and London for 6 months so anytime you need more phrases, let me know! I knokw some fun Scottish ones. ;-)

  13. Another reason to love Nick!

    I'm sending a stack of British costume dramas on DVD right away so he can practice his accent.


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