
Friday, September 26, 2008

In which I act like I'm getting an Academy Award, when really, I just want to hug all of you

I want to thank all of you for your amazing support, enthusiasm, and kindness leading up to my wedding.

And when I say leading up to my wedding, what I mean is, from the moment you guys started reading up to now. Because LG has been all about relationships since the minute I started.

Hell, the reason I started was a failed relationship. Or anyway, that overflow of angst was what propelled me to start a blog. What I didn't know then was that I was actually reaching out into the wide, invisible e-world, stretching my arms out for virtual hugs.

I know I've said this a number of times before, but hopefully you'll indulge me once more; you all are amazing. So kind, supportive, loving.

Thank you to all of you who, every time I said, "I'm absolutely certain I'm going to die alone!" responded with, "You absolutely are not."

There are a couple readers - people who do not have blogs and comment very rarely - who basically said, "Stick with it. You'll be fine."

And they were right. It's odd to think that comments from absolute strangers help, but they do.

I want to make sure to give huge thanks to Lisa at PoliTits, who happened to click a Wonkette link shortly after I started writing, and has stuck with me ever since, and even though she's a really busy working mom, rejoiced with me in my ups and sent me encouragement in my downs.

I'd also like to mention that after we got engaged the first three gifts we received were from bloggers: HKW, Nicole, and Slightly Disorganized, only one of whom I've met in person at this point - SD, in July. And they've continued to be so very lovely. HKW, your sweet sweet note yesterday made me cry.

Although you might ask what doesn't these days.

This is not to say that my real life friends weren't excited - Tej and her husband immediately took us to brunch to celebrate. Engaged! Yay!

But the biggest, most concerted amount of excitement came from LG readers. And I've basked in it ever since.

I have so many people to thank for advice and virtual hugs, and this is a tiny list, and if I've somehow overlooked you, please bear in mind that I'm getting married tomorrow and currently I'm brushing my teeth and getting dressed as I write this.


Broadly, thank you to Lemmonex and Ryane for being endless fonts of wisdom on makeup, and thank you KassyK for offering thoughts on hair and fashion and glam in general. Thank you FreckledK for sending love and support and continually cheering us on.

Thank you Wendy for returning from my India past and being with me from Hawaii through all of this. It's meant a lot to me. And speaking of my past, with a relationship stretching all the way back to when I was born, through Dacca days and up to the present, thank you Jordaan for coming all the way from Texas and bringing your lovely daughter. I can't wait to see you guys. It makes me cry thinking about it. Oh, and if you're reading this, I have you down for one vegetarian and one omnivore dinner.

Thank you VVK for being a solid, constant rock, and also for being taller than Nick, which doesn't happen that often. Thank you Restaurant Refugee for your generous wisdom and more. And thank you Jessica for being a pretty much daily source of email hugs and advice and support. In fact, LG readers could thank you for saving them from reading about so many more melt downs than they otherwise would've.

And last but so far from least, because reading these, and knowing people took time out of their busy days to write and sent great thoughts makes me cry every time I get one, thank you to all the readers who have sent nice notes. I've gotten a number of really lovely messages from readers - one from North Dakota last night, which particularly warms my heart, since my mom is from Minot. All saying, essentially, "I don't know you but I'm so happy you've found love and so excited for your wedding."

Thank you all for all of this.

I am hoping to post tomorrow, because I give my bridesmaids their presents tonight - presents that have taken a tremendous amount of my time, thought and energy lately - and I'd really like to post pictures once they have them.

But tomorrow being our wedding day, I know the odds are slim. So I wanted to get all my thanks out today.

Big hugs to all of you.



  1. Good luck, best wishes, and remember to pay attention so you remember as much as possible.

  2. Um, actually - I owe you an apology. See, the Academy of Brilliance, Insight, and Multitasking (typing, brushing teeth, AND dressing is quite impressive) sent me this award to give you when I had a chance, but I just haven't had a chance to drop it off. So, you are getting a hugely-deserved Academy Award.

    And, of course, hugs.

  3. You are getting married... tomorrow!!!! God, how exciting!!!! Don't worry about blogging tomorrow, enjoy your day. You can tell us all about it later.

    Sending big wedding wishes from across the pond!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Lisa!
    Just a last minute good luck and best wishes! I'm so excited for you!

  6. Enjoy your day tomorrow!

    One of the reasons I love reading your blog so much is because you are so honest about relationships and emotions and men and all that jazz.

    And one of the reasons I'll continue to read your blog, even though you're not going to be a single girl blogging about dating anymore is because I know you're going to stay real.

    Thank you for sharing moments of your life with your readers. You say we support you but really, your writing supports us too. We know we're all in this crazy life together.


  7. Happy wedding, LG! I loved your mind since I started reading. Nick is a lucky man, more lucky than any of your female readers will ever realize. All the best for tomorrow and forward.

  8. Thank you, Puddin. Love you.

    Now, please, stop crying already. You should, like Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, be *all cried out* at this point.

  9. Thank you, Puddin. Love you.

    Now, please, stop crying already. You should, like Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, be *all cried out* at this point.

  10. I'm so excited for you - the dating blogs are what hooked me, but when you met Nick and things clicked, it was just lovely to see how happy you were. Even though your blog might change in the future, I'm sure everyone will keep reading, to see what the new adventures of Lisa and Nick bring. All the best to you and your family. Enjoy your day and allow yourself to feel like a princess!

  11. Happy day-before-the-wedding and wedding day! Big wedding hug to you and Nick :)

  12. My soars for you.

    You are amazing and will be so happy.

    Congrats. Truly.

  13. Whee!!! So exciting! :-)

  14. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

    We better get pictures of Nick busting a move (Safety Dance obvs) in the gold jacket!

  15. Just remember to relax and breathe. Enjoy every moment...and more than's going to be beautiful no matter what. You will always look back at what a wonderful day it was. I hope you guys have fun... and that you do something to drive the historic house people crazy. :-)

  16. Lisa - I don't remember how I originally came across your blog, but this is the first time I've written in.

    I remember when you first told us readers about Nick and I was upset because my dating life shared many similarities with mine, but I'm so very happy that you found happiness! A few months ago, I found a great man when I wasn't looking for him, and I don't know what will happen, but I want to thank you for giving all of us hope in finding someone who loves us for our quirks, not in spite of them!

    Best wishes in your married life and please, Please, keep us laughing with your tales from the Quad... and don't pee in the corner!

  17. OMG, so excited that it's finally here! YEAH YEAH YEAH! Love love you! Sparkles. Puppies! Kitties! Rainbows! Unicorns! Gerbera Daisies!

    Fuschia! Orange! Cake! Gold Jackets! Crinoline!


  18. I'm so happy for you, Lisa. It's been nice reading about your wedding plans and how happy you are. Hope you'll continue blogging even though you won't be doing so as a single lady after this weekend! :)

  19. Congrats, Lisa, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

  20. LG continues to be my only real must-read blog. I'm so excited for you and for tomorrow- I'll be sending you happy, congratulatory thoughts all day long :)

  21. I am so happy for you and Nick!!!! I wish you all the very best, Lisa. Have a beautiful, lovely, fun, happy day.


  22. Enjoy your day in all its beauty, and enjoy your life with Nick every day in that exact same way. Congratulations to the two of you for finding each other, sticking with one another, and committing to one another. I wish you guys all the happiness in the world tomorrow and always!

  23. It's been wonderful to reconnect with you after all these years. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Be happy and have fun. Smooches to you and Nick -- can't wait to see you both in a couple of months.

  24. congrats lisa!
    i've been reading your blog for a year and have been living vicariously through your adventures. all my best to you and nick. i hope you'll live a long and happy life together filled with new and exciting adventures.

    all my love,

  25. Lisa--You are so welcome. I am always here for tips on all of that glam stuff and the not-so glam as well, should you ever need it. :)

    I am so glad I found your blog, one of the most consistently funny and interesting (and honest) sites online.

    Good luck with everything and I will be here (sometimes quietly but always smiling) cheering you on and wishing you only good things!

  26. Best of luck with everything this weekend, can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!

  27. Congratulations!!!! Have a wonderful day and remember to enjoy yourself!

  28. I'm so glad I remembered to check in today, before your big day. Best to you and Nick . . . blessings on this great beginning for you both.

  29. Congrats and good luck! It'll be great, you will love it...

    Ssss Aaaa Ffff Eeee Tttt Yyyy

  30. Enjoy your wedding! And all of those other days afterwards- can't WAIT to hear about it!!!

  31. Enjoy your wedding! And all of those other days afterwards- can't WAIT to hear about it!!!

  32. You got married today!!! Congratulations!

  33. Congrats! I hope everything turned out as spectacular as you had pictured.

    I have only recently stumbled upon your blog and since the first time I read it I have been hooked!

    Bad relationships have made me bitter about the idea of love, marriage, children and spending the rest of your life with one person. You have given me faith that some things are worth the wait and when you find the right one all of those things don't seem like such a damning fate.

    Good luck and best wishes to you and Nick! :-)

  34. Yay Lisa and Nick!!! Congratulations!!

  35. Lisa! Nick! Congratulations and best wishes!!


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