
Monday, January 12, 2009

Conveniently and hintfully illustrated little personal item

I just came across the documentation of the North Dakota sticky buns on the camera.

Also, I have some news. And I've been trying to figure out how to present it. Because it makes me incredibly happy and nervous all at the same time.

Maybe you'll just guess.

So the sticky buns. You open the oven and you get the smell of baking bread and butter and caramelized sugar all together and it is seriously amazing.
They come out at like a zillion degrees. And the pan is heavy. I think it's all the butter and pecans and sugar and just general million-calorie deliciousness. You have to flip them fast, so the caramel doesn't all run out. Nick offered his assistance in this area.
And here they are all hot and incredible. Like little pieces of caramelized crack.
And also? To use a phrase Betty dislikes more than "bun in the oven"?

I'm knocked up!


  1. I love that phrase!! And congrats, congrats, congrats! The hardest part (in my experience) was to cope with all the excitement and nerves while sober all the time :)
    - Carrie (in chicago)

  2. Congrats. Invest in some Burts Bees Tummy Butter, smells yummy! They say to put it on from day one!

  3. Awww, sweetie! That's so awesome!!! :)

  4. Oh my god! I jumped up in my chair when I read that!!!! Congratulations!!! So happy for you!

  5. I love when you can totally guess the ending to a story! (I know sticky buns in the oven was too obvious, and everyone got that, but whatever!)

    Yay!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! OMG, you're going to be a mom by the end of the year! You won't have just a husband, you'll have a FAMILY :)

  6. Congratulations Lisa. I knew it all along!

  7. YAY! Congrats! I totally guessed...but was distracted by those sticky buns...mmmm....

  8. Those are some serious industrial strength oven mitts Nick has there.


  9. That was the first thing I thought when reading your text on Saturday. So happy for you, Mama! Congrats to you and the Mister!

  10. Congratulations! On both the buns out of the oven, which look delicious, and the bun still in the oven.

  11. Congratulations to you and Nick!!! How wonderful!

  12. Such wonderful news! Congratulations! I guess this means no more covert-huge-leopard-make-up-bag trips to the ladies room :)

  13. Your delivery was perfect!

  14. Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  15. Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Now send me some of that sticky goodness, pretty please.

  16. Congratulations, congratulations! Such good news. Don't forget your prenatal vitamins!

  17. Congratulations!!! On both the baby and the rocking job you did with those homemade sticky buns!

    Now all I'll be thinking about all day is having sex and eating sticky buns!

    I hope you're the type of girl who will proudly display growing belly pictures!

  18. I knew it. It could not happen to a more awesome person. I am so happy for you.

  19. Woop Woop! I guessed it when you first said "Maybe you'll just guess," but I figured I'd keep reading to find out. And what if I was wrong and your news was you became a millionaire? Would you be sad cause I guessed the wrong thing? Anyway, that's super exciting and I can't wait for posts talking about your exciting pregnancy.


  20. Fantastic! Here's to a happy healthy pregnancy!

  21. Congratulations to you and Nick. It always gives me joy when the smart and good people decide to procreate.

  22. Yay! I knew it when you said "guess" :). So happy for both you & Nick, even though you're mean taunting us all with those buns...

  23. Congratulations Lisa and Nick! Amazing, wonderful news. Thrilled for you both!

  24. How exciting for you!!! Yay!! Can't wait for the next nine months of posts.

  25. How exciting for you!!! Yay!! Can't wait for the next nine months of posts.

  26. Yippy!!! :-)

    Also, Yum!


  27. So, so happy for you! :) How far along?

  28. Oh Lisa!! Congratulations! I am sososo happy for you and Nick. And for the record, who doesn't like caramelized pieces of crack?? ;-)

  29. Hurrah!

    The good times keep on rolling:)

  30. Congratulations! You'll make a great mommy!

  31. congratulations Lisa and Nick! I did guess, after all the sticky bun pictures. think you'll be craving those for a while? ;)

  32. My best you you and Nick, here's to a new little Lemon in late summer.

  33. Wow, that's fantastic!!! Congratulations! :)
    (The one drawback? No alcohol. Boo.)

  34. You all are so fantastic! I was nervous about this post - such big news - and as always, you are so tremendously nice.

    I have a fuckpile of work today, which is why I haven't responded to a single comment...But I so completely appreciate them!

  35. throwing my love and congrats onto the pile.

    eeeeeeeeeeeeee! so exciting.

  36. WOOT!!!!!!!!!! That is wicked awesome!

  37. Yay yay yay yay yay yay! Yay yay yay yay yay yay! Yay yay yay yay yay yay! Yay yay yay yay yay yay! And congrats on the baby thing, too.

  38. Sweet Sweet Sweet! Those buns too! And I do see those ND Sticky Buns at every school function. In fact I have a recipe for them on flickr. But I am so happy for you and Nick and especially for that kid who'll be getting two awesome parents. Sweet Indeed

  39. HUGS from Down Under

    *LG Fan Club - The Australian Chapter*

  40. HUGS from Down Under

    *LG Fan Club - The Australian Chapter*

  41. As soon as you said, "I've been thinking of a way to present it," I knew what you were going to 'present' and OMG!

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! Like, ridiculously happy! Seriously.


  42. Congrats on the bun in the oven :)

    *Does happy dance*

  43. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!
    Now where's the recipe for the edible buns....

  44. Whoo!!!! Hoo!!!! Congratulations to you both! I'm so happy for you.

  45. Way to three whole days between telling me it was a secret for another couple week and publically announcing it.

    Still, I'm so excited for you!

  46. Gpppmmhhhshsssjrjjrmmmssshhhhshspsmph.

    That is all.

  47. Well, actually, that's NOT all. I was distracted by the sticky buns, and totally MISSED THE BOAT on YOUR bun!!!

    CONGRATUFREAKINGLATIONS, lady!!! I'm totally stoked for you!

  48. woohooo!!! i'm so glad i checked your blog today and get to cheer you on! so happy to see the beautiful news of a beautiful mama-to-be!:) xuxE aka eileen

  49. You two will be such delightful parents! Lucky little bugger!

  50. YAY Congratulations!!!!!!

    and OMG those look tasty...Please don't post the recipe, they look even more dangerous than the Thin Mints calling me from the kitchen!

  51. Congratulations!!!! Although I'm not a huge kid person myself, I'm very happy for you. :-)

  52. I would say congratulations, but since I have kids, so I'm going to say good luck. Life as you know it is gone. Instead, there are even bigger and better things. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to blow your brains out at 3:40 AM when it's feeding time, you've only slept two hours, and you gotta get up in another three hours to pull a 10 hour day because some shitty memo's have to be signed and sent out. You might even shut down this blog cause your kid's laugh is sooooo much better.

  53. However mildly inappropriate, I can never hear such news and *not* think of Stacy's confrontation with Mike Damone, just prior to which he unleashes his scalper-salesman's charm on a fellow classmate in the football stands:

    "Can you honestly tell me you forgot? Forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander, or the charisma of Rick Nielsen? Well what about the tunes? I want you to want me! The dream police, dadadadadadadada! Your mama's all right! Your daddy's all right! They just seem a little bit weeeeird..."

    Oh, and congratulations!

  54. Congrats!! So happy for both of you!!!

  55. So glad for you and Nick!

  56. Congratulations! Can't wait to see the crazy-matching-outfits-style your offspring will conjure up! We've already seen your influence on babes in utero! No doubt it will be fabulous!

  57. Congratulations! I have an image of you and a future daughter in matching pink outfits.

  58. Obviously this "congratulations!!" is on top of multiple other forms of previous congratulations, but I couldn't pass up the chance to yell it again!!

    Blissfully happy for you.

    Oh, and desperately craving sticky buns.


  59. Haha, fuckpile. Nice. :)

    I think "bun in the oven" and "knocked up" are better than "preggers". Or "in a family way".
    "Expecting" is my favorite.

    Oh and, WOO HOOOOO! You and Nick are going to make a great baby. I'm so fucking excited for you and can't wait to hear more!

    Big hugs!

  60. Congratulations!

  61. Hooray! Congratulations! I loved being pregnant and I hope you do too. Lots of healthy baby and easy pregnancy vibes being sent your way!

  62. Thought I left a


    But it didn't show up! I guess there was a rush to comment on your fabulous fertility that blogger got overwhelmed. In any case:

    YAY!!! You and Nick are going to be badass parents!

  63. haha, me too! Well presented, so to speak. Here's how i told the world: (sorry, dunno how to link in comments)

    Congrats if you're not sick of hearing it yet! It'll be a blast... I hope!

  64. oh and PS SIXTY EIGHT comments! Woweeee!

  65. congratulations!!!!!

  66. Yay! Congrats you and Nick

  67. i am so late, but congrats all the same!!

  68. I cannot believe how late I am--but CONGRATULATIONS! This is wonderful. I have about 4 friends all pregnant right now and due at the same time and I have a feeling more to come very soon. And now you are too!! :)

    Yay. xo

  69. congratulations to you both! Can't wait to hear all about the ins and outs of pregnancy from a perky point of view ;-) seriously, I'm thrilled!


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