
Friday, January 23, 2009

Listen, writing about this makes me feel less guilty about the spend spend spending. Which maybe makes this like a confession booth?

January has been a spendy month for me.

Partly this can be attributed to the winter grims. I hate the cold, I hate the dark, and I need a little something cute to perk me up. Or many little something cuteses.

For that reason, and that reason alone, I bought two dresses - one black and bias-cut and one brown and empire waisted - at Proper Topper earlier this month. Both on sale and both expansion-friendly. But neither cheap.

But utterly necessary. You understand.

Right after starting to post about the preg, I went on an online maternity spree. I ordered, at the suggestion of several readers, a bunch of maternity stuff from Target. All of it was cheap, and cute, and comfy-looking. And I ordered enough to qualify for the $50 free shipping! So really, I was saving with quantity!

However, while it technically counts as already shipped, in that USPS has received the request, it has an expected delivery date of January 29-March 6. What the fuck are they doing with it in the meantime? And what kind of that is a time span for shipping in the same goddamn country?

Anyway. The next day, Betty and I headed over to TJ Maxx, one of my favorite places on this earth. I bought a ton of cutie cute little (not so little) empire-waisty things - all, alas, for when it gets warmer, except for a pair of super comf black yoga pants.

When it gets warmer, though, I am going to be all empire waisted and cute. I've decided. And spent.

And then, then I got a sale email from REI. I typed in "maternity" and they had a couple Prana pants and tops that looked cute. So I Googled, found them cheaper at a place called Altrec (the sportier among us may know it already; I didn't) and promptly ordered. They should arrive in a couple weeks.

And then then (thenly!?) the beautiful and fabulous Tori swooped into town for the inauguration. In the cutest sweater ev-ver - dark blue with a red Chinese dragon on the side. She'd just ordered it from Bluefly. I promptly jumped online. Even though we were at a party and I had to borrow Sam's computer. Sometimes shopping desperation is like that.

It just arrived. Black with a blue dragon. I can wear it for like, 15 more minutes. But I love it so. Maybe it will change my life in those 15 minutes?

Not only that, but strolling around the next day we both bought Obama shirts. Cute, screen-printed ones that say, "Obama. That's my DJ!"

Also utterly necessary.

But now, I just have to sit on my hands the next time temptation strikes. Except that I need a new pair of jeans. And bigger warm pants.

Maybe those will be my only February purchases. Please hold me to it.


  1. Hey, that sweater is too awesome to pass up.

  2. I have long been a fan of retail therapy to battle Seasonal Affective Disorder. Discount therapy is like hitting the double bonus.

  3. Wow, in this economy, you'd think Target would be a little more customer friendly.
    I justified all clothing expenses by explaining that all of the clothing would work for the NEXT pregnancy too- when I wouldn't have time to shop.

  4. You are so not responsible for your spending while impregnated. Seriously.

  5. Well, at least you're not buying shoes. Kidding, have you heard about My brother swears by it. Free overnight or 2-day on orders over $49.

  6. every time the weather changes i get the urge to buy a new wardrobe to match it, or at least some cute pieces to accessorize with. i'm obsessed with summer dresses currently and my recent promotion to sugar momma' is the only thing that kept me from buying 3 CUTE dresses online last night.
    all this talk of shopping in blog land today might land me at TJ Maxx tonight (also, my favorite store too, it's so awesome!)

  7. You were super-responsible by purchasing at a discount store, getting free shipping and looking for the best price. It completely justifies the dragon sweater!! You made up for it in savings elsewhere. And getting some things you can wear in late spring/summer, was just forward-thinking. In fact, Lis, you are a VISIONARY! You know you'll need that stuff, and you are getting it now, and in bulk, in order to help out the economy at a crucial time.
    Let me know if any additional justifications are required. I probably have a few more saved up, that I've used after my own shoe purchases. :-)

  8. I am a casebook example of a person who buys things to feel better. Hey, for me, it is better than rewarding myself with a cupcake, ya know? You deserve it.

  9. saratogajean - I felt that precise way. I had to have it as soon as possible.

    restaurant refugee - Yes! Retail therapy, sun lamps, and Vitamin D are my SAD staples.

    mary - Oh, man. Good for you. I can't justify that way. I can't even bear to think about ever being pregnant again.

    Jo - I am already not taking responsibility for my emotions and a few other terrible things...I feel like I ought to on this one.

    FoggyDew - I laughed when I read that, because I swear, I had that very thought - at least I haven't bought shoes. And just the name scares me, but probably I will embrace it soon.

    notsojenny - I find it very hard to pass up warm weather clothes as I ache and long to be warm and mince around in lovely summer clothes. Of course, by the time summer arrives, there will be no mincing.

    lacochran - I love it. I feel cool in it.

    Susan - You are so really and truly wonderful. You may even be my soul mate. If you EVER need any justification for anything, please let me know. And if I ever do something like heroin, you're the one I'm confiding in.

    Lemmonex - This is precisely how I feel, down to the better than shoving cupcakes in my face. Absolutely.

  10. don't worry about the spending if it makes you feel better. think of it as being a one-woman economic stimulus package. you're good for America, dammit!!

  11. I'm a shopper too so I totally get it. I can't pass up a sale!

  12. But you'll be prepared for baby #2!

    Haha, glimmer of silver lining?

  13. Off-topic, but to revisit the misunderstood song lyric thing...

    I heard the song Flashdance today and remembered that I thought the line was 'take your pants down and make it happen.'

    Since it was a movie about stripping, it never occured to me that the lyrics said anything but that!

    I think I was in my 20s before I realized she was singing 'take your PASSION...'

  14. As I said, pregnant = pass for everything. This is a once in a lifetime experience! Lots of photos! You want your child to look at those pics and think, damn, my mom was ah-dor-able when she was preggers.

    Also where can I get that Obama shirt?!

  15. I not only give you permission to shop yourself silly, I'll help you in doing so! Check it out:

    Designer maternity jeans! Yay!

  16. I really miss Proper Topper since leaving DC. That and Secondi. Oh how I miss Secondi...

  17. I'm a little late with this, however, I thought you still would find it interesting.
    Their cloths are so cute and very pregnant and maternity friendly ;)

    Good luck with everything!!


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