
Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 14 tummy!

You know how the Wizard of Oz starts out in black and white and then when Dorothy opens the door in Oz, it's all brightly colored?

That's kind of what happened to me mid-week.

Suddenly, I began to remember that I actually used to like my life. Suddenly, 10 hours of sleep a night actually started to feel like enough. Suddenly, I could believe that I would have the energy to leap out of the way if a speeding bus were hurtling towards me.

Because until this week, I'd have had to just let the bus hit me. I was that tired. All the fucking time.

Suddenly, I only feel nauseated on the metro or when Nick is driving particularly hurky-jerky. Or when I really think about chicken.

But! And! Most importantly!

I have a little baby house on the front of my front!

It might not be big enough for some of you. But it's my baby and my tummy and I love it.

I could never have predicted how excited this would make me. Tej came by the office Tuesday afternoon, and saw my belly and said, "That wasn't there Saturday. You popped!"

Really, it wasn't. And suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, it was!

Pregnant! Belly!

I love it.



  1. Hooray! How have things been going? Did you do your nuchal trans? All good, I hope! If we decide to have another (we're still waffling) I'll be right there with you in the "advanced materinal age" catagory (just missed it last time).

    Yay! It's a baby belly!

  2. completely adorable is that? It's definitely and totally a baby house. :-) And so nice to hear that you got some energy back. But really, chicken is making you feel queasy? Really? Is it the taste, smell, texture, or the mere thought of it?

  3. Cheryl - Really, as of Wednesday, things are good! We did the nuchal, and we'll be doing an amnio. My numbers were OK for my (advanced maternal) age, but not fantastic.

    Susan - Thank you! I do love it.:) As for the chicken - it's more the thought. I think about it all smooth and pale and I just get queasy. Broccoli grosses me out just as much, which super sucks, because in normal life, I love it.

  4. Very cute baby belly! I loved my belly when I was pregnant...I didn't care that by the end I was me it was worth it.

  5. What a lovely baby house! And I'm *so* glad to hear you're feeling better and that you can enjoy yourself more, now.

  6. how cute! is it just me or do you actually seem happier in that picture too? maybe it's the lighting or something... i imagine you're ear to ear grins! i would be too!

  7. SM - Now that it actually seems like it's made for a baby, I love it. Now I'm really interested to see where this goes!

    Dagny - Thank you, lovey. For 54 million things.

    Maiden Metallurgist - Thank you! That's how I feel!

    notsojenny - Oh, it's so nice of you to say that, and I really am a ton happier, and I woke up all delighted, but in the moment of the picture I had a huge bitchface. Because Nick was complaining about how the camera was having a hard time focusing with me being so pale against the wall, and I was all, take the fucking picture, we're going to be late for work...

  8. This is such a great idea. Don't know if I'd use the word "cute" mainly because I don't wanna get hit, but you look wonderful.

  9. Yippy! I'm glad you're feeling better. :-)

  10. cute little baby belly! Complete with no more nausea! Two for one special!


  11. you look great! and i'm so happy the second trimester is treating you well. yay!!

  12. Cute! Lovely! What a difference a week makes. So happy for you :)

  13. You DO have a little baby house! It is so adorable! I'm glad you're feeling better, lovely.

  14. Now *that's* what I'm talkin' about! What a cute tummy!

  15. OMG, you can totally tell it's a pregnant belly, as opposed to "you just look a tad bloated" belly.


  16. FoggyDew - Dude, I will take compliments however they come. Thank you.

    VVK - Thanks, friend. :)

    Sarah - Totaly two for one! Ha!

    mrsmac - Finally! Loving the second trimster so far!

    HKW - Thank you! And seriously - one week to the next. Crazy.

    LJ - Thanks!

    LiLu - Thank you, sweetie. And I'm glad you're flashing. :)

    Wendy - Thank you! Yay!

    Beach Bum - I am so happy to not just look bloated anymore. That's totally how I felt.

  17. There it is! And glad you're feeling better.

  18. Oh how I love baby bellies! So exciting!

    Glad you're feeling better :)

  19. That is adorable! And I have a good feeling you're going to be one of those women who is cute and adorable throughout pregnancy, even when you look like you're holding a beach ball under your shirt. Glad you've "popped" and are excited and loving it, as well as feeling better. I'm looking forward to hearing more as the weeks progress.

  20. Aw, its wonderful! I'm glad you're cheery again, and it's so sweet to see you say "But it's my baby and my tummy and I love it."

    You just brightened my day!

  21. Hey! Found you through More Is Better.

    I'm at week 27 with my first baby, and adore my ever-growing belly!

  22. And it is absolutely beautiful! As are you!!

  23. Fantastic, Lisa! Your belly looks awesome!

  24. Oh my gosh!!!!! Look at that! I promise I won't reach out and touch your belly, but I so want to holler through your belly button "Hello in there!"

  25. OMG there is the BABY HOUSE!

    And oh how wonderful it is to get past that eeeterrrrnallll exhaustion phase.

    But mostly: YAY BABY HOUSE!

  26. Belly!!! So exciting!

  27. Baby! Pregnant baby belly Lisa! Baby!!


  28. Awwww, it's so cute!!! :)

  29. WOW...I compared the weeek 13 and 14 pictures...what a difference. Maybe there are two babies in there?

  30. Yay for your belly! You're lucky - mine never "popped" per se, it just went from bloated belly to baby belly. Ah well. But I did like seeing my elbow widen out! Good luck with your amnio. I hope you get good results!


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