
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tarting it up. Or maybe bread puddinging it up is more accurate?

Today is Nick's birthday!

We're celebrating with dinner at Brassierie Beck - one of his favorite places.

They have delicious beer, french fries that are kind of like crack, and such yummy bread pudding. I also remember liking my mains when I've eaten there, although I cannot for the life of me tell you what I've had.

I realize fried potatoes, beer, and bread pudding do not a dinner make - unless maybe you live in 19th Century England? - but man, can that combination delight me.

I'm getting all tarted up, in a seriously cleavage-showing black Susana Monaco dress. It's not maternity, but empire waist, with lots of room for tummy. I bought it (on sale) on a low, low day, when I needed a little reminder of my former/future self. And thought it could be something to look forward to. And it turns out to be a great dress with plenty of room for expansion in all below-the-empire-waist directions.

And fishnets - why didn't I think of fishnets before? Super super stretchy comf! And my slightly tough tarty boots.

I have to say, now that the early crap has passed, I'm a lot bigger but feel a lot better. I still don't have many clothes I actually like, and tend to spend my days in black pants, black top, with some kind of jacket, shawl, or scarf.

But this is the first time I've been excited about how I might look in an outfit since, I don't know, December?

And you guys, things are blooming! Crocuses are here! So are daffodils! And the tiniest little peeking out of the tulip trees! And maybe redbud?

In other words, hope has arrived! Not to reduce everything to apparel, but cute dress weather and fun platformy shoe time is almost here!

Which reminds me - I got awesome shoes in NJ last weekend. Must take pictures and share. But that is for another day. . .


  1. Oh, yay! I'm happy to hear you sounding so excited. And that outfit sounds DIVINE. I think a photo may be in order.

    And I've been on the lookout for yummy bread pudding. Not that I should be having it anyway, but it's probably worth the extra treadmill time.

  2. Looking forward to wearing an outfit is something that makes me LOVE being a girl. A good outfit can seriously make or break a day.

    Think of how dull it would be to wear dress slacks and a dress shirt day in and day out the way men have to. Boys just don't have the options we ladies have.

    Enjoy your fun outfit and the carby-food-deliciousness!

  3. What, no pole dancing for the big kahuna? Sheesh.

    Happy Birthday Nick.

  4. Dagny - I will make sure we take a photo!

    And I'm no bread pudding expert, and definitely not a foodie, but I do completely love theirs. I would say worth the extra treadmill time. Or a great tradeoff for the custard-filled muffin. Not that we talk about those or anything.

    Peace Turkey - Yes! Can totally make or break a day! And I am always glad to not be a guy, even with Thomas Pink and such in the world.

    Thank you! We will!

    Anonymous - Yikes! Nick might appreciate it, but it would seem like parody of pole-dancing hotness. Even if I'd ever had the coordination, it's gone now. And I'd have to pick which side of the pole to stick my tummy!

    He will have to contend with being stuffed to the gills with Belgian food.

  5. Another day?!? You are such a shoe tease!

    I've never been to Brasserie Beck, but I would very much like it if my friends *cough cough* took me there for my birthday.

  6. Isn't it amazing how much a different a good pair of shoes makes? I am sure you look like the hottest mama to be on the block.

  7. Feeling that you look good can really change the tenor of the day. Happy birthday to Nick-- I hope you two have a wonderful night (and I'm sure you will, because Beck is really excellent).

  8. be careful in those platform shoes young lady.
    i have dresses that i've bought and while i love them right now i realize they also have room for belly too... i can't wait to wear them both ways : )

    and hooray for men born on this day! (it's my future hub's birthday too! i knew we had something in common : )

  9. Revel, baby! In Nick's birthday, custard-y goodness, and being a hot preggo chick! So very good to have something to celebrate with signs of Spring all around.

  10. Happy birthday to Nick, and woo hoo to feeling sexy and pretty while pregnant! Enjoy your night out!

  11. Happy birthday Nick! The outfit sounds wonderful - have a great time!

  12. Happy Birthday to Nick!

    Have fun :)

  13. Happy Birthday to Nick and I'm glad you feel comfortable in a nice outfit!

  14. FreckledK - A shoe tease! I'm OK with that.

    We went last year for his birthday, and an older woman was dining alone at the table next to us. Turned out she was in DC for work and had gotten canceled on for dinner. So we all chatted through dinner, and she finished before us. When it was time to order dessert, our server said that the woman had asked them to put our dessert on her bill. It was such a sweet surprise present.

    Lemmonex - It makes a tremendous difference in how I feel. It's a weird thing. And thanks - I hope so!

    mysterygirl! - You are right, it really does change the tenor of the entire day. And thanks for the wishes! Really looking forward to a nice b-day dinner!

    notosjenny - Oh, I know, but I love the height!

    And happy b-day to your future husband! It's a good day for birthdays!

    J - Oh, thanks, I will! Spring! Spring makes everything better.

    Luna - Thanks! Yes, woo hoo! The first time I can even conceive of it in months!

    HKW - Thanks, sweetie!

    Hillary - Thank you! Should be fun! :)

    Sarah - Thank you! I'll pass on good wishes!

  15. I looove fishnets, for some reason they're the only tights that don't usually pinch! How the hell do they size regular pantyhose? I fall into "Medium" in the chart, but buy XL just so the fabric doesn't dig an inch deep into my tummy flesh.

    BTW, thanks for adding us to your blogroll! Nathan saw your comment and called me all excited, ha, we're new to the blogging thing so still get excited to know people are even reading.

  16. What? Are you saying Pub Food does not a dinner make??
    Enjoy your night Hot Mama!

  17. Super glad to hear you sounding better, love. Can't wait to see the tum tum tomorrow!


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