
Friday, April 17, 2009

Positive update: Friday, 7 30 pm

Thank you all for your thoughts, energy, and prayers. I believe each and every one of them made and continue to make a tremendous difference.

The police called this morning to say they had found him, and he was in an ambulance on the way to INOVA. So we ran over to the hospital, and spent the day there - first in the ER and then the ICU. And then I came home and passed out for a couple hours. I just got up.

They found him this morning - unconscious, barely breathing, but breathing. They don't know what all he took, but enough blood pressure medication to have severely depressed his heart rate and blood pressure.

They have him on a ventilator, and on meds to keep his heart rate and blood pressure up. He was still unconscious when I left a few hours ago, and apparently nothing has changed.

His blood oxygen has been decent, which means that probably his brain never stopped getting oxygen. And it could be that all the stuff he took is keeping him really out of it.

And his heart, well, it just remains to be seen whether it can recover from all of this.

And that's all I know.

I feel lucky, so lucky, to have so much support, and to have so much goodness and kindness showered on my family. Maude said she's been praying out loud so much that her two-year old has started saying Michael.

Thank you thank you again for your kind and loving comments and emails and wishes. I hope to have better news tomorrow.

Big hug,



  1. So very glad to hear that! Go rest, and know that we are still saying prayers for his full recovery. Hugs

  2. I'm keeping good thoughts. I'm pulling in the big praying guns, too. It seems somehow appropriate.

  3. I am so glad that he was found in time. I hope that his heart is strong enough to heal and that he can get the help he needs. I remember reading that after his last attempt your dad liked the mental health team at INOVA, hopefully he will see doctors that he likes as much this time and that you won't have to deal with all the insurance run-around again.

  4. I am a friend of Lisa's and I just wanted to know that I am sending you my every good thought, wish and prayer at this time.

    Healing, peace, consolation and light your way today and always.

  5. I'm so thankful that your dad was found in time. The prayers and positive energy continue for his recovery and for peace and rest for you and your family. Take care of you and your little guy.

  6. I just read the update before the super scary post from last night. I only wish that you could have experienced them in that order in real life. Sending thoughts, prayers, and much love your way.

  7. glad to hear that he's been found, sorry to hear about his condition.
    i hope he heals fast and soon. i'm sure he knows he's got a grandson that needs him just waiting to meet him!
    still sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family

  8. Wow. Hang in there, and hopefully the worst is past. Glad to hear that you've gotten some rest.

  9. I'm so glad things are moving in a positive direction, and I'll keep praying for you all! Hang in there.

  10. I wish I could hug all of you.

  11. i've been thinking about you all day, lisa - i've also realized that i do pray, in my own strange post-catholic mish-mash kind of way. i'll continue to do so for you and your family, and i'm wishing for a full recovery for your dad.

  12. I'm an often reader and an infrequent if ever commenter...I just saw this and had to go back, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this right now. I'm sending you mental hugs and my thoughts are with your family.

  13. i am an avid reader and a rare commenter. I said a Refuah Shelemah a jewish prayer for total healing in body and spirit tonight at services. The funny thing is I couldnt remember your real name so I said out loud "Please pray for the refuah shelemah for lemon gloria's father" I think the congregation was a little perplexed at the name but i'm glad to see the all good vibes you got worked.

  14. Lisa I'm so very glad to hear this news. I'll keep praying.

  15. Life in a tiki hut, you just made me cry. And I'm an atheist.

    Lisa, more hugs and love and strong thoughts to you and Betty and Nick and everybody. I'm glad you're getting a little rest.

  16. Oh thank god! Still keeping you in my thoughts.

  17. My thoughts continue to be with you, your mother and your father. I am hoping (praying?) for the best.

    I'm sorry that I cannot do more. *Hug*

  18. Lisa, thank you for updating us amid all the turmoil. I've been thinking of you all day and hoping for good news. I'm so glad that your dad was found in time.

  19. It does make you want to hug every single police officer in NoVA.
    I'm glad you got some rest, and that you have so many people supporting you. The kindness of strangers overwhelms me with gratitude.

    More hugs from yet another invisible friend.

  20. I'm so so glad they found him and I hope he improves. Hang in there Lisa (((hugs)))

  21. Lis - I'm so glad that they found him in time. He has to hang on to meet the boy. I will continue to pray for him and your entire family. I'm so sorry that you are all going through this again.

  22. I spent all day yesterday at work checking and checking for an update. Thank God they found him. I'll keep praying for healing for all of you, body and mind. God bless.

  23. Still keeping up my prayers for your whole family. Thank you for taking the time in such a hectic (I can't come up with a word weighty enough to describe it) day to update us.

  24. Hugs, love and kind thoughts your way.

  25. I am so glad to hear that he was found. Sending more good thoughts your way!

  26. i have no idea who you are or where you're from, your history or your future plans. just know that you and your family are in my thoughts and i hope that the positive updates continue.

    i'm really sorry you have to go through this.

  27. Just wanted to say I am still holding your heartache up to whoever listens and praying for you and your papa and your sweet mom. Hang in there girl. Hugs, from the prairie and beyond.
    Lynn in ND

  28. Thinking of you and your family. Lots of praying.

    Nick! Keep taking good care of our girl! We appreciate it.

  29. Oh my god, Lis, I've been totally MIA from blogworld in Charleston, I had no idea... I'm so glad they found him, I hope he recovers 100%, of course... and I really hope YOU'RE okay. I love you, lady... I'll be thinking of you, darling, and sending your family the best of wishes. <3


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