
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well, yah

I told you this would be hard.

We have been here since 7 pm last night.

The Cervidil did nothing. Why? Because I have some scarring on my cervix.

The OB has tried three times to break it up. Nothing doing. And so I have to have a C-section.

We are next but we're also so fucking healthy that we'e not an emergency. So we've been about to be taken in to the OR since oh. noonish.

I have an IV. I have a catheter. I had an epidural. I can't feel most of my body.

I'm nauseous; Ive thrown up. A bunch. I might do so again - not clear at the moment.

I've cried and cried. It scares the shit out of me.

And now they just said the OB I've been waiting on isn't feeling well. So we are waiting on her replacement from the practice.

Who, on the bright side, might be less of a bitch than today's doctor.

I'm so upset. And I'm so frustrated. I was prepared for stamina-requiring feats of strength.

But this?


  1. oh lisa, good vibes of strength and determination going out to you - we're all thinking about you today. you will get through it, and the reward will surely be worth it. much much much much love.

  2. Oh, wow. GIANT hugs to you. All of you. Sending calming strengthy vibes your way.

    It's going to be okay.

  3. The fact that you are blogging says loads about your strength and determination. I'm so sorry, it sucks I can't believe you had to deal with a bitchy doctor and such a long wait. One day you will forget about all this but who the hell cares right now! Been thinking about you all day and sending you my good vibes, I guess I need to try harder!

  4. Hang in there - just a little while longer. And I hope the nasty OB doc develops a case of the swineflu next week (when you're safely home)!

  5. ask for the synthetic narcotics- toradol, stadol... the real deal like morphine or demerol sometimes causes the nausea and vomiting. If it's too bad they can give you narcan to reverse it, then start over with the synthetics. Best wishes...

  6. I know it is unexpected, but try not to feel bad about having to have a c-section. Granted I had a couple weeks to get used to the idea when my doc told me that I had to have one, but I hope yours goes as smoothly as mine did. And once you have that little baby in your arms, you won't really care how it ended up there :)

  7. Aw, man. I'm so sorry. I know this isn't what you wanted. On the bright side -- C-sections are quick and involve no labor pains. You go in and 20 minutes later you have a baby. Hang in there, sweetie - as shitty as it seems right now, this is a finite process, and it will be over soon. xoxo

  8. You'll get through it Lisa. It won't be long now. Crying and throwing up are both awful, so sorry. Big hugs to you!

  9. liz.janega@gmail.com8/19/2009 4:06 PM

    gosh darn it - nausea and bitchy doctors are just about the worst combination. i do hope both go away soon. and the stamina? - you'll need it for all those 2 am feedings . . .

  10. Dang! It's gonna happen. Soon!

  11. It's going to be ok. Then you'll have a cute cute cute baby boy in your arms. Yaaaaaay!

    Best of luck!

  12. Not that it will make you feel any better, but my mom had one each way and says she would choose the c-section hands down.

    I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you planned. But, remember, no matter how the baby gets here, as long as he's healthy, everything is OK. (I know. Cold comfort, but true)

    HUGE HUGS!!!! (And which is worse, the fact that I've been checking all day to see if you'd blog, or the fact that you actually DID?!?)

  13. Gahhhhhh. Sending good vibes your way. Light at the end of the tunnel... he is coming OUT, one way or another! xoxo

  14. Gahhhhhh. Sending good vibes your way. Light at the end of the tunnel... he is coming OUT, one way or another! xoxo

  15. Ack! I hope this all gets done ASAP! And you and the little on are healthy and ok!

    Sending good vibes and thoughts your way.

  16. Hang in there Lisa, I know it's scary but it's a quick procedure. A friend of mine told me that she wished she had a C-section for her 2 girls, now every time she sneezes or laughs, she dribbles a bit....

    hope I made you smile.


  17. Awww, hang in there honey, you are about to have a baby!!!!! Good stuff, all good stuff! :)

  18. That sucks! Sorry its been such a pain! Murphy's law, right? Good luck! You can do it!

  19. Aw, sweetie, I'm sorry. I know you feel horrible right now.

    To echo some of the above commenters, I've heard several people say their C-section recovery was surprisingly easy. My SIL had a C with her first and regrets going for the VBAC with her second. She said the C-section was WAY better.

  20. Oh lady, I am so sorry that you are in this situation. I don't hope that your status is changed to "emergency" but I do hope you get your C-section soon. One of my close friends was excited to give birth naturally (she was actually looking forward to labour) but her baby was breach. She was absolutely devastated in the days leading up to her c-section. And then, she held her daughter in her arms and all the disappointed was gone. I'm not trying to be all optimistic and shit on you. I'm just saying hold on. You'll get there, one way or the other.

  21. You and the baby are going to be o.k.! Hang tight!

  22. Best wishes!!! Hope all goes well!

  23. Hang in there, sweetheart. You can do this!

  24. Hang in there, and get Nick to be strong with you. Just remember--you'll get to meet your son when it's all over, and he's worth it. I'm so sorry, but I hope things improve soon!! *hugs*

  25. If you can blog, I assume you have access to the internet. See if you can go on Youtube and look at funny baby videos. My friend was in labor for what seemed like forever, the videos and anything comical made her laugh and relax and the wait seem not quite as long.
    Health and happiness to you and your family and remember that special angel looking down on you and cheering you on.

  26. You're almost there! Then you will be in the "I gave birth" club plus the "C-Section" club. By this time tomorrow it will all be done and you can hug all over your boy.

    Much luv to ya Sistah!

  27. Oh yuck! I hate this for you!!!!!!! I hope it ends soon and all goes well! Sending love to you!

  28. booo.
    i love you :(

    Hang in there, the boy is coming. :)

  29. Ooh, I just thought of something else to add in the C-section "plus side." An intact hoo-ha! No cuts, no stitches, no scarring. That's definitely worth something!!

  30. Oh Lisa! Big hugs and good vibes and chocolate cakey lovies are being sent your way. Can't wait to see the beautiful boy you and Nick made!

  31. Patience requires lots of stamina and great strength - you did great! Congrats on the little boy. A perfect name.


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