
Thursday, September 03, 2009


Yesterday was Betty's birthday, and we took her to Cashion's to celebrate.

And in fact, we were celebrating several things. Her birthday, Jordan's two-weeks, my two-week checkup, our first outing as a family.

Betty started out her birthday babysitting, while mama went to the OB. I thought she should do something more fun for her birthday, but she is so in love with our boy, she was just happy to spend the time.

And Jordan is all kinds of happy hanging out with her.

As for me, I'm telling you, the freedom of heading to a doctor's appointment alone, without the three hour lead-up of feeding, diaper changing, diaper changing, trying to brush teeth and put pants on, diaper changing, rush rush to get in the car already late...was fantastic.

I seriously just handed the kid to Betty and sauntered out to the car, and Nick dropped me on his way to work.


Particularly on the heels of Tuesday, which was a massive cryfest. Me much more than the boy.

So at my two-week check, my OB - who as it turned out canceled his afternoon appointments to come to the hospital to do my C-section, and did a spectacular job - said my scar is healing well. And - life-changing news! - I can start driving again!

I had a momentary urge to kiss him when he offered up this bit of freedom. I hate hate hate being stuck, and stuck is exactly how I'd been feeling.

But just as I didn't force him to pinky-swear while I was still preg, I refrained from kissing him. Really would've made things awkward, you know?

And then I took a walk in the sun after the appointment. I went to Hello Cupcake and bought Betty a four-pack. I think their lemon ones are the best.

A morning of time with adults and air and sunshine temporarily changed my life.

We then spent the rest of the afternoon in the same old feeding-pooping-feeding-pooping-sometimes sleeping cycle. Jordan, I mean. Not Betty and me.

And then Nick came home, and Betty and I got ourselves ready, semi-clean and only slightly peed on, and headed out for dinner. As a family. It was delicious in so many ways.

As it turned out, we all had a really good Betty birthday.


  1. Awww you all look great! Happy Birthday Betty!

  2. Thank you! I'll pass on your b-day wishes to Betty!

  3. I'm glad you're doing well, Lisa! that's a great picture, too. happy birthday Betty!

  4. Happy Birthday Betty! And happy two weeks Jordan! And happy epitome of proud father Nick! And happy healing and driving Lisa!

    Also, happy cupcakes. :o)

  5. What a lovely family you have! And I'm glad that Jordan has such a hottie for his very first babysitter.

  6. Happy birthday to Betty, happy two weeks to Jordan, happy two weeks and morning-with-adults-and-sunshine to you, and happy family to all of you! Glad you all had a perfect day.

  7. God damn, you look good. Cannot wait to meet him.

  8. First, Happy Birthday Betty!!!!

    Second, love that Jordan is already munching on daddy's hand at 2 weeks.

    Third, I hate you. My stomach sticks out more than that and my daughter is 4. As in YEARS not weeks! (just kidding, I think you're a super lucky, skinny girl!)

    Congratulations to everyone. I hope you have more good days than bad. Post partum hormones SUCK!

  9. Glad you're on the mend! And, in my opinion, you're totally allowed to feed and poop, too. :)

  10. Great photo! You look smashing. Also, you and Betty have very similar faces - it's kind of adorable. Happy birthday, Betty!

  11. Happy Birthday Betty!

    You all look great, and Nick looks like he's lost weight, yes? either way he looks great.

  12. Yay for celebrations! Happy B-Day to Betty. I love Cashions, hope it was wonderful!

  13. Happy Birthday Betty! Yall are a beautiful, beautiful family. Jordan's first outting - an elegant dinner party!

  14. Lovely family picture. You all look great! Happy Birthday Betty!

  15. I didn't realize I crashed Betty's birthday dinner! Happy birthday, Betty! Lisa, it was a pleasure to meet your mom and your son all in the same day. And I will reiterate here how wonderful you look. :)

  16. Happy birthday to Betty. You all should get out lots now while the baby is more portable and sleeps a lot. That is a gift for the first couple of months.

  17. Beautiful Betty..Happy Birthday!

    You all look so happy-but hey, Lisa-how would you even know that you had just had that adorable baby-the one sitting next to that proud father? You look incredible!

  18. oops..that last comment was from Kayare

  19. Happy Birthday Lisa's lovely Mum Betty.
    You guys all look fantastic and its wonderful to hear you are getting into the swing of pooping and eating and snatching free time when you can Lisa.
    Much happiness from the Antipodes :)

  20. Betty is positively BEAMING in that photo!

    that really is THE life

  21. Happy Birthday to Betty!!! Sounds like you all had a beautiful day.

  22. Yay! Happy Birthday Betty! I'm glad you had a wonderful day!

  23. What a perfect day! I just had this flash to the first post I read of yours - when you were heading off on your honeymoon. And now look at you! Congratulations all around.

  24. You're not alone on the new mom tears. Every woman I know who has had a baby (myself included) will admit to having broken down in the early few weeks after the baby is born. It's one of those things no one ever talks about, even though it would have been helpful to have a heads up that it was coming.

    And on a totally unrelated note, another thing that no one tells you is that your first period will be horrific like a murder scene. If you're breast feeding, you have some time before you have to deal with that, but if not, then I recommend holding onto your squarch bottle a little while longer.

    - Michelle

  25. You are mighty! I couldn't MOVE for the first few weeks, let alone go out to dinner! I just stayed on the couch in my PJs for weeks on end! Kinda still am really, 2 months on! Just doing in in a different country, thats all!

  26. Happy birthday to Betty! I love the picture. You all look wonderful. I'm glad you got a little time to yourself. It's necessary.


    DCup ;-D


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