
Friday, October 09, 2009

A day in the life of an itty-bitty pirate. Arrrr! Gah!

Itty-bitty pirate tries on his outfit.And has a pre-marauding snack.And then snuggles into the car seat. On the way to the high seas, of course.Happy Friday!


  1. And does mama get the bottle o' rum?


  2. That last picture is definitely the most adorable thing I've seen all week.

  3. So CUTE! Garrrr!

  4. Dagny - What an excellent idea! Mama had chocolate chip cookies and
    skibbled along the plank.

    Tara - Thank you. I love that picture.

  5. oh my gosh! snuggliest pirate EVER!
    thanks for brightening a bitchy Friday!

  6. The jeans! The baby jeans!

  7. I'm with Lemmonex..those baby jeans! I just think your little guy is the cutest little pirate I've ever seen!

  8. Oh-and more cuteness with daddy pirate feeding the baby pirate!

  9. Agree with Tara - the cutest, sweetest photo I've seen all week! October is the best month - you can be anyone you want - regardless of age!

  10. They make those pirate onesies so more women will want to get knocked up, you know.

  11. Aghh! So cute. Now Sabine's making noises about being "a pirate wench." So thanks for that.

  12. I'm new here and I have to say, the pirate is not ominous and scary enough. In fact, he's damn right cute!!

    Great witty blog you've got here. I'll be back :)

    Cheers - Holli in Ghana

  13. Here in Fort Myers FL there is a Pirate festival at the beach this weekend, we went earlier today. It's so much fun to see the people in costumes, especially the little kids. We have a Maine Coon cat that we nicknamed Pirate Pants, he has the fluffiest back legs above his knees-almost as cute as your kid.

  14. Alisa - Thank you! :) Garr!

    notsojenny - I am so glad! :)

    Lemmonex - I know - they rock, don't they?

    kayare - I love that picture!

    HKW - Thanks, my friend. And yes, that's true!

    Susan - I'd have done it years ago if I'd known about the outfits.

    Brunch Bird - Oops, sorry. But everything piratey is kind of fun.

    Holli - Thank you!! He tries to be scary but it never works.

    Anonymous - a pirate festival sounds like so much fun! And your cat sounds adorable.

  15. He's looking pretty cute there. Do they make baby eye-patches? I'll have to up the ante with pictures of my twin nieces at from this weekend.


  16. AHHHHH! I want a little bitty pirate baby!

  17. So stinkin' cute! I think it's the baby cheeks that do it. He looks so peaceful, napping in his seat.

  18. oh my hell, he makes a very handsome pirate!

  19. You never know - if he practices for the next 40 years, he might just perfect a scary face? :)


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