
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You'd much rather be married to Nick

So last Friday, Nick and I had the following email exchange:

From: Lemon Gloria
To: Nick
Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 11:53:57 AM
Subject: tremendous poo

Mine, not his. It rivals yours. I took pictures.


From: Nick
To: Lemon Gloria
Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 11:55:09 AM
Subject: Re: tremendous poo

Call me to discuss.


So I did. And then the doorbell rang.

A dozen roses, and a happy anniversary card.

I've told you before - there's something very wrong with me.


  1. He's a lucky fella, indeed.

    Congratulations to you both!

  2. you two make me laugh :)

  3. This is more than a little fantastic.

  4. I'm impressed by the response within 2 minutes AND the doorbell ringing shortly after. Happy Anniversary!

    Pictures, really? :)

  5. You two should win some sort of "Funniest Couple Ever" award. For sure.

  6. definitely, a sitcom

  7. Ah, a tremendous poo that smells like roses.

  8. What would a Lemon Gloria style anniversary be without poo?

  9. God you two make me laugh. Dont you love it when your man just gets you. As weird , sick, nutty as the situation might be, he totally gets you.
    Congrats you guys , may the poo and plantation slats and all other manner of weird and wonderful conversations and ideas remain abundant and plentiful and may your lives be filled with lots moments of "there is something very wrong with you"


Tell me about it.