
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I hate rain, people are stupid, and my jeans are tight

Really, except for a mid-afternoon glass of wine with friends - which helped immensely, and shouldn't we do that all the time? - that sums up the bulk of my day.


  1. I think that a mid-day glass of wine custom in the US would go a long way toward improving our reputation in the international relations realm.

    Also, yes, yes, and it's only because (1) they clearly shrank in the wash AND (2) it's raining outside and you've probably absorbed some of it via osmosis.

  2. Funny...I had the exact same day! Except minus the wine.

  3. Dagny - I agree about the wine. As for the jeans, you're being very kind.

    JP - Have wine. It helped for sure.

    Jules - I think I do, but then, grrr!

  4. The jeans and the stupid people are both influenced by the FULL MOON!! Hey, if it can cause tides on earth to change, why wouldn't it cause your jeans to fit too snugly? And people go all kinds of batshit crazy around full moon time. Give it a few days and venture out again (put wine in a sippy cup for yourself, if necessary). It'll be normal again.

  5. I hate not having any money, my parents are exhausting, and my jeans are tight too.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. hahaha I had to laugh because this sounds exactly like my top 3 complaints.


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