
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Though I must admit that the plot is rather thin

Taken furtively with my camera in the waiting room of the doctor's office.

Someone has learned to make raspberries.

While not deep, and lacking in character development, and also slightly cattywompus (cattywhompers?), I hope it delights you as much as it delights me.

Tomorrow is an unlikely posting day, so I wish you happy, healthy holidays, warmth, love, and all kinds of schmoopy good things.

Big hug,



  1. Oh my, so chubby and delicious! Lisa, Jordan is adorable. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, Luna! Have a wonderful one with your family!

  3. This was adorable. Merry Christmas to you Lisa and Nick and Big J and Betty. All the way from freezing Nord Dakota, yah.

  4. i'm a fan of skittillywompus . . . both your boys are adorable - enjoy your christmas!

  5. Have a merry Christmas and take lots of Big J pictures!

  6. Nick's raspberries are progressing nicely- it's amazing:)

    Ha- Big J is such a sweetums, can't believe you had that moose inside!

  7. Oh, that is just all kinds of CUTE. Yay for surreptitious filming!

    And Happy Holidays to you all!

  8. I tell you that you're killing me with the cuteness of bear suits and smirks--so you add video of raspberries. Nicely done.

    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.

  9. Wow-that's a lot of cute raspberry talent that has been passed from father to son! Impressive and adorable. :)

    Merry Christmas, Lisa!
    and to Nick, Jordan and Betty

  10. Oh! How cute is that? It is delightful. I hope you've had a Merry Christmas!


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