
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jump up, jump up, and get down!

My friend Kaysha lent us her daughter's Jumperoo.

Oh, the freedom! Oh, the endless choices! Oh, the things that spin and rattle and turn and did I mention the jumping?

Nana Betty, you are going to looooove this one!


  1. Oh yeah. The Jumperoo is the shizz.

  2. oooh... that looks exciting. :-)

  3. I love these things! And my kids did, too. I used to put Nate in one like that and play Phish's Bouncin' Around song.

    Probably explains a lot.

    Enjoy. And oh, that smile. Baby induced swoon!

  4. Do they come in Adult size? I want a jumparoo cause damn it that could become my happy place so easily right now.

  5. Somebody looks very happy! That grin melts my heart. :) Hope you're getting some sleep....

  6. Ohhhh....such a face! Makes me want a jumperoo, lol. He is delightful!

  7. A.S. - You are not kidding. Wow!

    VVK - It is, it is!

    Lisa - Hahaha! Definitely explains a lot. And doesn't that smile just make you happy?

    Go-Betty - You know, that's a great idea. It could be my happy place as well.

    kayare - It melts mine, too. He just makes me all ooey-gooey. As for the sleep, better, thanks.

    Kate - Thank you! Yes, me too! Adult jumperooing!

  8. He has got the best "light up your whole face" smile. Happy jumping!

  9. Man, Lisa - that kid is going to be a heartbreaker. His smile is gorgeous.

  10. What a sweet boy!! I like him so much!


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