
Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday dollop of the Big J

This is a photo of the pizza gang clash. I couldn't find it yesterday, even though it was with the rest of my photos.

The organizing and file-foldering, not so much my strengths. Plus, I don't like iPhoto as much as Picasa. Picasa kept me organized.

Anyway, this is Big J watching the pizza people with interest.One of the things I love is watching him watch things.

When he notices something new, he opens his eyes wide, thrusts his head forward, and gets this, "Wow!" expression on his face. It doesn't matter what the subject matter.

Lights! Snow! Water bottle! Pillow!

Any of them might evoke the same, "Holy cow!" from him. Or not. Nick was amazed at how nonplussed he was by the snow.

But then, when your whole world is relatively new, who's to say it shouldn't be entirely white? Maybe the world turns white every Saturday.

And I have no reason for posting the following except that I just cannot pass up a picture of a baby in a bear suit. Or anyway, my baby in a bear suit.Seriously, I want a hat with ears. I don't mean to be immodest, but I think I'd look pretty cute in one. Don't you think?

Happy weekend, all!


  1. Love J's expression in the first one. He really is watching intently! I have a picture of my Jess in a white "lamb" coat with ears. it's one of my faves of her. (She probably only wore it twice, I'm in Florida!) Cuteness! And, I really want to wear most of the clothes I buy for my daughter. Adorable little skorts in really bright fun colors!

  2. I don't know Lisa, but Big J can sure pull the bear suit off! Adorable! Happy weekend!

  3. I only think it's immodest if you're doing the naked backflips while wearing the hat with ears.

    And you say immodest like it's a bad thing.

    Adorable J!

  4. Ok, so no offense to all other parents out there but: Seriously Lisa... Jordan is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. He's like a living doll! No joke, I actually showed your blog to my mom and my husband for them to see how cute he is.

  5. I really really really want that blue warm onesie that he has on!!! I'm wearing a green couch sack right now (I work from home), but his blue plush onesie would be soooo cozy and just perfect!! Why don't they make those for adults? (I ask as I'm wearing a couch sac:,16612_Eco-Mills-Fleece-Couch-Sack-For-Women.html )

    ~ Jennifer

  6. He has an explorer's nature. How sweet! And I adore the ears. Have a good weekend.

  7. he is ginormous.

    And so cute. Cannot WAIT to meet him!

  8. that blue zip up suit looks awesome... is it just me or does it look 2x larger than him in the photo?
    and hats with ears should be everywhere! i have a big crush on them.

  9. That Pizza Mart story reminded me so much of the surprising/weird stuff that I witnessed when I lived in Manhattan.

    And yes, I think you'd lood adorable in a bear hat, or any hat with ears. You and J must have similar hats. Or maybe you N and J could be the 3 Bears this halloween :)

  10. His profile is delicious. (In a non-creepy, non-edible way, of course.) I fully see the "Harold and the Purple Crayon" now!

  11. That face! He's incredible! I love the bear suit and yes-you should get one. But there's something about that blue suit-Big J looks tiny in those marshmallow blue legs. So serious! How do you not scoop him up and kiss those cheeks every second of every day?

  12. Adorable. You, I mean. You would look adorable.

  13. Hot. You should totally try it. Nick will be all over that. We have a rabbit jacket at home in 3T if you want. You are teeny - it will fit :)

  14. cla517 - The little animal outfits are the cutest. I'd buy them even if I were in FL and he only got to wear them for 15 minutes. Tremendous waste of money, I know. And there are SO many cute girl clothes! So many shoes and boots I would wear if I could fit!

    Kate - I do think so! And I bought this super on sale - $15 - for next winter, as it's size 18-24 months. And pretty much fits now. So next winter, a whole new suit!

    VVK - As always, you just totally rock, my friend.

    Dagny - Ohh! Yes, my dear, you are absolutely right. The immodesty!


    Jo - Ha! I love you! I believe he's the cutest baby on the planet, but my understanding is that as a parent you feel that way from minute one.

    Jennifer - So many people on the street have told us that on cold days! It's like wearing a big soft mattress, basically. And I love that you're working in a couch sack. How awesome is that?!

    Susan H - He does, he totally does. He's a very keen observer.

    KLZ - Thanks! I think so!

    SarahLeighRabbit - Yes, ginormous! And you will LOVE each other!

    notsojenny - There is a lot of room in it, mostly in the body and sleeves. And we pulled him out so he wouldn't be too hot. So it's not as huge as it looks. And yes, hats with ears! They should make them in every size.

    Tamater Sammich - I bet there was all kinds of fascinating craziness going on in Manhattan on a regular basis!

    As for the three bears, I kind of love that idea like crazy!

  15. Wahkonamama - I call him delicious all the time! (But I also nibble his little toes and tummy and neck a lot as well. Delicious!)

    kayare - I actually do kiss him about 57 million times a day. The day that he's not OK with it is going to kill me.

    Susan - Why, thank you. I think so.:)

    Kiran - Haha. I would love a rabbit jacket! :)

    And seriously - I am on a bear hat with ears quest. For me. I really am.

  16. omg, I so want a bear hat too.
    There's lots of good stuff on etsy!



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