
Friday, May 07, 2010

Galumphing forward and back. Or, now we are in for it.

When he's on the floor, Big J has been confined to a play mat or a pretty small patch of carpet - regardless of room - for much of his life.

No longer.

And while taking the second video, oh, 20 minutes ago, I realized that now we are really in for it. You can hear the ohh-boy-are-we-screwed in my voice.

Not ready! Notnotnotnotnot ready!



  1. I can't listen to this with sound at work, but... he moves pretty quickly. I'd dial it back with the personal trainer - I'm guessing you'll be getting plenty of exercise in the near future!

  2. He is FAST! I love the look of glee on his face as he swiveled around in the doorway. That looks like... an adventure. A big adventure. And lots of exercise!

  3. Go Big J! That's awesome! He'd reall make a great break dancer -- His centipede is almost perfect! Adorable, and I love the look on his face. Time to babyproof (or at least move breakables out of his reach). Have fun with that!

  4. Dagny - I'm getting some arm muscles because of him, that's for sure. And I need to work my lower back more - can't always pick him up the right way.

    Kate - I am in a PANIC! He's fast! And everything looks so delicious to him! Particularly my shoes.

    Luna - Hahaha! I love that he's a breakdancer! And yes, the babyproofing that we're so behind on begins.

  5. Look at that baby seal go! Or should I say baby SEAL? Man! I could tell he was about to crawl, but I was s hoping for your sake that it wouldn't be a matter of days. Yay Jordan! He's becoming a master of his destiny, or at least the floor and everything within arms reach of it.

  6. WOW-he really moves! My favorite part was when he got to the doorway and then turned back around-what a move! Adorable as always-even as he's about to wipe out a shelf. :)

  7. Yippy... :-)

    *hugs* to you and Nick and Betty...

  8. Oh wow, in addition to being on the move, he's definitely a charmer! Have a great mobile weekend :)

  9. It's the old joke come to life! You spend their first 2 years trying to get them to walk and talk, the rest of their lives trying to get them to sit down and shut up! Have fun! What a cutie!

  10. Maude - Hopefully not! Remember those insane SEALs in San Diego?

    I know - I was hoping for more time, but it was not to be. Argh!

    kayare - Thank you! I think so, too, through my panic. Oh, he's so cute! And now he's about to pull all the diapers out of the box - eeeee!

    vvk - You are not going to believe the change when you see him next! It's crazy!

    HKW - He tries! :) Happy weekend to you!

    cla517 - Haha - this is what I've heard a number of times! We're all intent on the first word and then we're going to wish he'd just stop talking! And he was so much easier when he was just stuck on his back!

    Hillary - Yes! He really is proud of himself!

  11. Adorable! This is the best. Watching an adorable baby boy grow up and not having to change a diaper or chase him down. Keep 'em coming Lisa I know I can't be the only one loving these videos of Big J. I feel like I'm a distant aunt/cousin watching him, so full of pride. Weird but totally cool. Have a good weekend Lisa. My little town just dodged a forecasted foot of snow! Happy Dance.

    Lynn in ND

  12. hahah! he's fast. He looks like he's swimming!

  13. I love the little belly spin thing.

  14. Lynn in ND - I love knowing that! Thank you so much! You're part of our Midwestern family now!

    And thank goodness you dodged it. Snow in May is just mean.

    Kate - I know! I love the swim!

    Lisa - He's like a hippo - he can turn on a dime. :)

  15. Haha! That is SO CUTE! I am laughing out loud over here. I've never seen a baby get around quite that way before. So very cute.

  16. Wow, he is fast, and you are in trouble. But in the best possible way. Enjoy!

  17. Oh my god that is so CUTE!!!! Go Jordan go!

  18. Ok, listen up, here's my advice:

    NO refined sugar or flours for ror this kid.

    Also, wrist and ankle weights, like from a fisness store. You could make them yourelf out of your favourite Liberty cottons, and fill them with sand.

    OK, that 2nd tip was a joke - but Holy Crap that kid moves fast. And he's tall too. Of all the babies I've seen, I think yours moves fastest for the age. Good luck, lady!

  19. Time to baby proof! Big hugs to Lil J - he's going to be a lot of fun to watch as he moves more and more

  20. So adorably cute but now the fun really begins. :-)

  21. I love that worm crawl! So cute but so many more things to get into. Thus begins saying "no" every other word.


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