
Monday, May 24, 2010

Me, me, and oh yes, more me. Served with a side of, uh, me!

Here's way more of my new hair than you ever anticipated.
I finally washed it last night and while I think the color is still very faintly reminiscent of pale Scandinavian furniture, the beige that she put in is almost gone. And I don't think you can even detect a purple tint.I like the cut, although I'd like more length. But what I'm struggling with are the bangs. Bangs!

Bangs have been an issue for me since I begged and begged for them in second grade, and the minute my mom cut them, I burst into tears and wailed, "I hate them! Put it back!"

But you know there is no putting it back.

I think they look OK without my glasses, but they kind of sit weird with them on. I either have to scooch them above or kind of smoosh them around the side.

I probably need a product. The problem is I'm not really a product person. Nor am I a hair arranger.

I probably need product and arrangement.

Also, I maybe ought to wear lipstick. Which I am terrible at; it always makes me feel like I'm pretending to be a grown-up. But that's a whole nother issue.

I think my dark chunky glasses work better than my greeny and purple ones. I realize it's hard for you to compare with these photos.But by the fourth picture of myself, I kind of felt like a narcissistic asshole. You know?So all in all, I like the color, don't love the cut, but I think (hope) it has potential.


  1. I love it! I have a hard time with bangs too. I hate the way I look without them, but I have a cowlick on both sides, so my bangs always do weird things. Product makes a huge difference. I have this Biolage thermal setting spray that I spritz just on my bangs, especially at the roots, and it really helps direct them to the side and keep them there.

    (I'm also completely in love with this stuff called Moroccan Oil. I have oily hair anyway, so usually I'd never use something specifically called "oil" but it makes my hair dry faster! I didn't believe it when the stylist mentioned that as a selling point, but it really does make a huge difference. And it just makes my hair soft, not greasy.)

  2. Fun and pretty!

    Whe you said "Bangs", I was thinking all blunt-cut and straight across - these are fairly innocuous bangs, that will grow out quite nicely if you decide you don't like them.

    You might also find it fun to experiment with a spray wax, as far as the arranging goes - it's texturizing, but you don't wind up crunchy, like with hairspray.

    LOVE the color!

  3. Love the color and the darker glasses.
    I was thinking you were going with really blunt, obvious bangs too. These are subtle and will totally grow on you (or out) in a while. Now, aren't you glad you went and did something different? If I were braver, and maybe a little better about the maintenance platinum hair color requires, I would try it too.

  4. i like it!
    i think that you'll get used to the bangs. you could always use a little bobby pin to secure them back a bit if you get annoyed with them.
    i like the dark glasses look best too! but both are cute!

  5. With the color, I'd recommend getting a shampoo for platinum blondes. Aveda sells something, but you can also find options at Sally's Beauty Supply. The violet in the shampoo/conditioner will keep your hair that platinum shade, and help to fend off any brassiness.

    I love the cut, and think in about two weeks or so, so will you!

  6. i love it! i love it all!! even the greenish glasses!
    i wish i had the face to pull this off. you look amazing! hot momma!
    i'm trying to find someone who can give me proper bangs on the cheap... not easy. yours look great! now i really want to go do something drastic

  7. Beeeeeautifullllllll! Love it! I want it! :)

  8. You look great! The color is wonderful, but I agree - lipstick. Or if no lipstick, maybe a bolder eyeliner? Liquid, perhaps? You need something to make one of your features (either eyes or lips) really pop, I think. The glasses do a good job of that, but a little something more might make a big difference.

    But anyway, your hair looks great, and your bangs are subtle enough that they're not too bang-y at all. I like! And if you don't like them, they'll grow out in no time.

  9. Lovely, thanks for sharing! I'm envious of people, like you, who can style their own hair and look like they just walked out of the salon. Your new bangs are perfect. I haven't had bangs since 9th grade due to my tiny forehead.

  10. Very pretty Lisa! You totally pull it off. You'll get used to the bangs and they'll grow out fast if you decide you don't want them anymore. Brave, inspiring and so much fun!!

  11. I love it! The cut, the color - everything. The bangs are lovely, not heavy at all. Enjoy your new summer do!

  12. Count me in the list of very big fans.

  13. super hot!! the color is AMAZING! oh how i wish i could rock the platinum blond like you. the cut looks great too! i would barely call those bangs though, lady. they are pretty low key for bangs. i'm curious about what the back looks like - you should take another pic like the "before" one where you can see in the mirror.

    alright i'm going to stop sounding so obsessed with your hair right now...

  14. Oh, you all made me feel so much better! I love lightening up for summer, but it's just so much shorter than I bargained for, and I feel like it's kind of bowl-ish as well. Hmm.

    Lisa - I will have to look. I have this fear of product that will put my hair in one place...I run my hands through it all the time - will they get stuck in my bangs? Is that a stupid thing to say? But I googled Moroccan Oil and it seems to be popular!

    Dagny - Yes, you are right - they're not so overwhelmingly bangy...they're just more bangs than I've had in years. And the spray wax may be a good solution...

    Susan H - I am very glad I went and did something completely different. I needed it. Betty doesn't like it (she doesn't say so, but I know) and it gives me pause, but it's true, I needed to shake things up. Having the same hair with very little variation for years and years, I needed a total change!

    brookem - I love that idea! I am going to find some cute clips to keep them to the side!

    freckledk - Yah, I have a purple shampoo - you are so right, really necessary to combat the yellows.

    And also right, probably in a couple weeks I will love it. Thank you, sweetie!

    jen - Thank you! I have to say, just jumping in felt really good. I had a little freak out when I got home, but on the whole, the big change feels good.

    kayare - Thank you! And you could have it, you know! All it takes is a shitload of chemicals! :)

    Luna - I think the color of lipstick would help. I have black eyeliner and mascara on and don't know that I could pull off more. But maybe some eyeshadow would help??? Definitely need some color.

    HKW - I think it's because the color is so clearly processed that it looks right out of the salon. Typically it is just plastered to my head, and totally anti-salon-y. :)

    Kate - Thank you - I am trying! And it is true - they do seem like they'll grow out without a lot of trauma.

    Lynn - Thank you so much! I'm going to approach it as a nod to my Viking (and ND prairie) ancestry, I've decided.

    refugee - I believe you wouldn't say it if you didn't mean it, and I really appreciate it.

    carly - Thank you! You know, I cannot do brown. I love dark brown hair and I have tried and I cannot. My skin is too pale.

    The back is shortyshorty short! I couldn't figure out how to get it with my computer camera thingy. I need someone to take a pic.

    And! No, please obsess! It makes me feel good! :)

  15. Ah, beautiful! I love the shape of the cut with the shape of your face. And the color is perfect on you too.

  16. While I normally make it a habit of self-preservation to not comment on women's hair, you're looks pretty good. Stunning in fact.

    Also, are you talking about hair here: "I like the cut, although I'd like more length."

  17. Lisa, the Biolage stuff feels weird. Sticky, and kind of tangled feeling? That's why I just put it on the roots of my bangs, cause I'm also a hair toucher, especially pieces around my face that I'm constantly tucking behind my ears and stuff. I hold the bangs straight up, spritz once on the bottom, and then let them fall and spritz at the part. Then I blow dry that section first when it's still pretty wet.

    (The holding bangs straight up part gave me 80s flashbacks to huge bangs with lots and lots of hairspray. I swear, the end result looks nothing like that though.)

  18. I love it! You look smashing. Not lavender at all.

  19. I love the color - your eyes look amazing. I'm not a product or arrangement person either, so I feel your pain, but I think the cut wears well on its own anyway.

  20. I love...
    the haircut (way cute!)
    the glasses (fun!)
    the fishface (always!)


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