
Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday frippery

1. No sense of direction: Our Alice's little face stopped working today. We were in Chantilly. She got us there and then her little face just froze. It was a panic. By it I mean me. I don't know if you can fix a GPS or if you just have to buy a new one.

2. Betty goes to Vermont: We took Betty to Dulles to visit Maude's parents. In Vermont, I mean. They don't live at Dulles. They're hosting a Peace Corps reunion - all these people who volunteered in Afghanistan in the early 60s! How cool is that?

3. Costco, uh-gain: We were actually in Chantilly because Jordan needed formula and it is dramatically cheaper to get it in a 50-gallon drum from Costco. I'd never been to Chantilly. It's conveniently located near Dulles. That is, if Dulles is convenient to you. Is all I'm saying.

4.a. Cheese in a jar: While shopping, I was handed a sample of tortilla chips covered with that cheese in a jar. I LOVE cheese in a jar. I hate that this is true.

4.b. The cheese of my father: Costco sells this nice cheese called Comté that my dad once bought, among other cheeses, for a party I was having. A friend asked me about the yummy cheese and I asked, to clarify, "The cheese of my father?" And thus it is. I recommend it.

5. Accent marks: How do you make accent marks on a MacBook? I had to copy the one above and paste it. Because of course the cheese of my father needed an accent aigu.

6. Summer toes: Sephora has the happiest blue nail polish in an itty-bitty bottle. They also have the exact orange I needed in their OPI collection. I feel like bright oranges and blues are the perfect summer nail colors.

7. Templates and backgrounds: You know I'm not a designer, and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, but it's kind of fun. So please bear with me.


  1. I love how much cheese is in this post.

  2. Bright oranges and blues are my favorite summer colors too! Especially for a pedicure. Nothing says summer like orange toe nail polish. :)

  3. I love the cheese in a jar too! And then I love to use the jar for a little drinking glass. (We are talking about the kind of jar that has a non-screw lid, so no threads on the lip, right?) I grew up with those glasses and have just started using them again for the little ones. Also I just recently learned, from an episode of the Rockford Files, that they are known as cheese glasses. But of course!

  4. 5. Accent Marks: I can't believe I still remember this from my college German class on-line tutorials! You can figure out all the foreign accents by hitting ALT and three digits. So é is ALT130. á is ALT160 etc. etc.

  5. 5) Option-e and then the vowel you want the accent over... so option-e then e gives you é. option-e then E gives you É. etc...

    For ñ and Ñ, it's option-n then either n or N.

    Option-u then vowel gives you umlauts...

    Here's a bit more documentation:

  6. I'm with Hilary :) Happy weekend! I've declared Sunday as "spa day" - at-home facial and toe nail polish application!

  7. me likey the background! :)

    and what shade of blue? i currently have a baby blue on my nails; loving the baby blue!

  8. I like the pinky flowery fun! I like it! I hate that my work computer won't let me view or comment here!

    Have a lovely, wonderful weekend. :o)

  9. I too, shamefully love cheese in a jar, but don't generally permit myself to admit it. Also, although my preferred summer color is turquoise, I'm currently wearing a lovely pale cobalt that I'm pretty sure you bought in SD about 10 years ago. I found it in storage and, although it was almost the texture of cheese in a jar, I managed to spread it onto my toenails. Only one coat needed. I think of you whenever I look down.

  10. Um. Did you know that cheese was the way to my heart of hearts? Maybe that should go on my dating profile.

  11. Love the tropical look (more than the books from this morning).

    Would have never pegged you for a cheese in a jar girl!

  12. My husband sells GPS... so we are constantly getting phone calls anytime something goes wrong with a family members or friends GPS. There should be a reset button somewhere on the unit. You may have to look in the manual or can look on the manufacturers website. It usually solves the problem.

  13. I love cheese. And, to my shame, cheese in a jar is one of my favorites. I almost feel like I need a cover story when buying it - "No, no, no. Not for me. I was ASKED to bring this. To a pot luck. By my boss. Can't so no to the boss, right? HAHAHAHA."

    Shameful, really.

  14. Hillary - I know it sounds weird, but I think of you whenever I think of cheese at this point.

    Wendy - I was actually thinking this is very Wendy and Jason in Hawaii!

    Teeny - Orange is just the summeriest color! I had it on my fingernails last week. I just put blue on my toes. Love!

    A.S. - I've only had the cheese in a screw-top jar. I think of those as jelly jars and I love those glasses as well.

    You know what's weird? I haven't thought about the Rockford Files in years and just yesterday Nick said something about Jim Rockford.

    Webbie - Thank you - I appreciate that! Those I can do on my PC at work, although never remember which numbers make what mark, so I'm very impressed that you do! But I've tried on the laptop, and those combos don't work, at least for me on mine.

    VVK - OF COURSE you know this! And you have a resource! I've come to the conclusion that you actually know something about everything - you're just very understated about all of it. Hugs to you, my friend.

    HKW - Ooooh! Enjoy! That's going to be relaxing and deliciously wonderful!

    mrsmac - Thank you! I love how summery it is. It's this color: I think a little strong for fingers but perfect on toes!

    Dagny - I'm glad! And grrrr to your work computer. Work gets in the way of so much fun. I hope your weekend is wonderful, lovely!

    Maude - Your description of the nail polish really made me laugh. I can't remember it, but it sounds like the shade I just bought and love, and since I choose the same things over and over and over, it sounds very likely.

    Next time we're together let's hide in the closet and eat chips dipped in jar cheese.

    Kate - I firmly believe things like that should go on a dating profile. In fact, I love that: cheese is the way to my heart of hearts. Excellent!

    Susan H - Thank you - me, too! I don't know that it's perfect, but the flowers are so happy and fun!

    I admit it with a great deal of shame, you must realize.

    Anonymous - THANK YOU! You are like magic! I just pushed it and I have my Alice back! Who knew??? (Um, besides you and your husband, of course.)

    Suniverse - It is hugely shameful and yet so many people love it. Due to the shame factor and the fact that it just generally seems even worse for you than Cheez-It's (although whether or not this is true I do not know) I've never bought it - can't bring myself to do so. But whenever it's available I eat way more than my share.

  15. Oh how I love jar chees. Disgustingly delicious.

    I like the new digs. I actually had to check to see whether you'd moved to WordPress when I first saw it.

  16. Nice design! And I LOVE jarred chili con queso as well as all things Kaukuna and Alouette, although I severely dislike the pimentos in the little juice-jar spreadable cheese.

  17. I just polished my nails with Cheese in a jar. Have a nice weekend Lisa

  18. I love the orange template I'm looking at right now. And now I'm thinking I need to swipe Sophie's blue nail polish.

  19. 外遇---偷來的時間、偷來的伴侶、偷來的愛情


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