
Friday, July 09, 2010

This is how hard I laughed for four days straight. Just with less food in my mouth.

I wish you all a happy laughter-ful weekend.

And a break from the hot-as-balls heat.

Hugs to all! Huge, huggy hugs.


  1. that laughter is INTOXICATING! absolutely wonderfully intoxicating!

  2. Oh good LORD that made me laugh! I needed that today, Lisa. Thanks!!

  3. Absolutely adorable! Crying with laughter at my desk = AWESOME!

  4. jen - He kept laughing and laughing and laughing. My camera chip ran out of space, alas.

    Luna - I'm glad! It's like a shot of sunshine, isn't it?

    Kate - It's hard not to, no?

    Mary - That is awesome. Definitely helps get through the work day.

  5. That is too funny. It's so contagious. I needed a good laugh, the hot-as-balls heat is making me growly and cranky.

  6. Hooray for a happy Big J... :-)

  7. So adorable, thanks for sharing :) Happy weekend and hugs to you!

  8. I love those baby laugh attacks!

  9. ha! i absolutely love it! happy weekend :)

  10. Oh I LOVE baby laughter, it's so cute!

  11. Crazy adorable! Back at you on the weekend and oh my god you're talking about balls here!

  12. God, I want to laugh like that! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  13. Ha! He's hilarious. I'm so bummed he was asleep when we were over - I wanted to meet him! What a character.

  14. That was awesome! If there is anyone who can watch that video and not totally crack up... well they are just dead inside!

  15. Thanks for sharing LG; what a fun way to start my Saturday! It was precious too, you and your mom experiencing this laugh attack together. Big huggy hugs back.

  16. OMG---I just laughed so hard I think I woke up the neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I played this on Friday 3 times. Now my husband and I watched it 3 more times today - Sunday! It is hysterical and infectious! God bless you little Big J!!!!

  18. Ok that is an intraveinous shot of sunshine that is. He is totally all too much fun lol. Now stop complaining about the heat you were asking for heat only a few months ago when you were blanketed under all that snow lol. We are in the thick of winter here and sadly the most I get is a frost on the ground :-(


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