
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The walk of the frog

I know you might be all, oh ferchrissakes not more of the frog costume.

But that's what's on tap today. More of the frog. In motion. Me, I love this. I love it.

His mood improved dramatically when we took off the feet and put him down. Plus, look at the good walking!


  1. Haha! I love that "HI!" at the end! So cute!!

  2. Me? I love this, too. :) Part boy/part frog!

  3. OMG... he is the most scrumptious little froggy. Makes me want to just eat him up! Hear it tastes like chicken.

  4. Frog man walking! I've had a terribly long day at the office and this cheered me right up!

  5. Hillary - Thanks! :)

    Kate - Yes! Thankfully, not Frogger. I was always terrible at that game.

    A.S. - I love that breathy haaaaaiiii!

    kayare - Hee hee! Thanks!

    Keenie Beanie - He is delicious! And yes, very much like chicken!

    HKW - I'm glad! It makes me giggle!

  6. Mmmm, can I get some of those legs with garlic and olive oil? J/k! He looks so danged cute! I love it!

  7. Don't you just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the stiff little, not bending the knees all the way yet, walking thing that they do in the beginning? Its so stinking cute already, let alone dressed like a little frogman!

  8. I love the frog costume. I was afraid when he got to the running shoes that there would be a tumble...but oh, well navigated! And the Hi was a bonus!

  9. Soooo, you're saying your son's french?

    Great costume, better than any I ever had.

  10. melkuroda - Absolutely. Garlic and olive oil - very tasty!

    Angel JAM - I do! I love that no-knee bend toddle! It's so deliciously adorable!

    Donatella - I know, isn't it fun? I was worried about that too when I watched the video, as I didn't remember - but he's navigating better and better!

    FoggyDew - Oh, I wish he were! Then he'd have an EU passport!

    I loved this little frog costume. I love the buggy outy eyes.

  11. Damn thats so cute. Can I have a squeeze cuddle that kid is so adorable he really is.

  12. And now I'm remembering just how darn fast they develop. I mean that was a really long stable ramble down the lenght of the house. Just a couple days ago, he was just going a few feet at a time!

  13. He is so cute! Animal costumes are the best for little ones.


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