
Friday, December 31, 2010

Right here, right now, there is no other place I want to be

I thought about doing a wrap-up of the year, and even of the decade - as this marks 10 years that I've been back in DC, and actually, the longest I've lived anywhere, ever.

But reminiscing can make me melancholy. And the end of a year, a decade, can pull out the reflective and the sad, as you tiptoe through your accomplishments, failures, gains and losses.

So I'd rather share a little of today's joy with you, and wish you some of your own.

On Christmas eve, we went to our dear family friends' house, as we do every year.

They gave Jordan the Best Truck Ever. It goes forwards and backwards and the voice of a redneck guy even says "Woo hoo!" and "Back 'er up!" He loves it.

He also loves Doggy - which he pronounces "daddy." Doggy is from Ikea, where they have many many cute stuffed animals. Machine-washable, snuggly stuffed animals. Who knew?

So when Nick paired Doggy with Best Truck Ever, it was like crack. The best thing Jordan had ever seen! He was then compelled to repeat it approximately 57 kabillion times. And when he stopped to go take a shower, there was much dismay. Temporary calamity in the Jordan world!

Until he realized that Mama could probably help with the Doggy Truck situation.

My decade is ending gently, and I am thankful. In the last ten years I've learned, I've grown, I've become stronger and kinder.

Wishing you a very happy New Year's Eve, and a wonderful start to 2011. And also your very own version of the Doggy Best Truck Ever combo.

Big hug,



  1. i don't know, Nick seems to be enjoying the doggy+truck combo as well
    (and is that a leather treatment on the tray ceiling? whatever it is i'm LOVING it!)

  2. Not sure why this made me cry, but it's the sweetest thing I've seen.

  3. i love it... happy new year to you and your family lady! xo

  4. It's been great fun to have found your blog this past year and followed your adventures.
    Happy New Year!

  5. I'm feeling poopy today and now I've got a great big grin on my face after watching this video. So thank you very much.

    Happy New Year to you all!

  6. That was joyous and wonderful to watch! Happy new year to you and your family Lisa!

  7. Monique Esselmont12/31/2010 7:10 PM

    Happy New Year!! This is going to be the best decade of your life!! Life only gets better once you have your kids in your life! I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve, and I'm looking forward to what you have to say in the New Year!! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing a little piece of your life... It's nice to see what is happening in my friend's life from far away!! xoxoxo

  8. too sweet!

    happy new year to you and yours lemon.

  9. The little guy (and bigger one) seem to enjoy that combination. ;) Happy New Year to you and your family!

  10. Happy New Year! I'm glad you found a doggy truck combo of your own.

  11. Thanks for the laughs, the tender moments, and even - maybe especially, the bitch sessions... not everybody has the guts to share that dark side. That commitment to say it no matter what, let the chips fall, that's what makes you real, and special.

    Happy New Year!


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