
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Better than television

This kid is the reason we don't watch anything. Also, we're waiting for Mad Men to come back.

But I swear, I've never been so entertained in my life.

I didn't even know I was lacking in entertainment until I had a kid. I was! I was!

On the entertainment front, I don't know if you've ever put little pieces of paper around your dog's feet and secured them with rubber bands? Like, so they can't feel the ground?

Just wondering.

OK, now I'm off to the train which means I'm off to New York. For work. But still! New York!


  1. This post is full of joy and entertainment - so precious!

    I am very sad to tell you I can't watch Mad Men anymore. There are too many similarities in Donald Draper and Luke.

    Have an amazing time in New York! I posted a NY guide yesterday - not that I'm an expert but it might be fun to read on the train.

    And! My neighbor had a baby girl yesterday (the one I mentioned yesterday)!

  2. Videos of J while I'm at work totally make my day. That little toddler flop they do? Best thing ever.


  4. I love the video - better than TV for sure!

    A few years back I tied cloth around my Shi-tzu's feet and put a bandana on his head. He didn't like it and it was funny to watch him walk. But then I felt bad because he was so embarrassed. True story.

    New york!!

  5. Wondering if we've ever put little pieces of paper around your dog's feet and secured them with rubber bands? Like, so they can't feel the ground?

    Huh? Whuzs this? I hope you don't mind if I say it sounds a little craaazeeee.

  6. one time i put aluminum foil on my cats paws. it did not go over well.
    and then another time i lightly masking taped a ping pong ball to my cat's tail (a different cat). that also did not go over well.

  7. i accidentaly set fire to my cats tail...does that count?


Tell me about it.