
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Now back to our regularly scheduled frivolity

OK, here's the new hair. I quite like it.

I still need the front to grow a bit, but it's heading in the right direction. It still wings out over my glasses, but as long as I don't look in the mirror, it doesn't bug.

Also, I painted my nails blue. I warned you about the frivolity in the title.
(And I don't know why my hand looks that tanned. It's just as pale as my accurately-colored grim winter pink face above.)

Yah, so Nick had some deal where he needed to order two magazines and so he got the Economist and Us Magazine. It's kind of a perfect combination.

Except that we don't know who most of the people are in Us. We are old and don't watch enough reality TV. Also, these both arrive like every other day.

It's an inundation of information, both useful and useless.

Anyway, Us Magazine said that blue nails were in, and this made me happy because I love blue nail polish and so when I stopped at CVS on my way into the office on a Cadbury Creme egg hunt - oh, wait, can I tell you, and there were NONE!?!

What is it with CVS and the not stocking Cadbury eggs? I had the same issue last year. It's almost goddamn Easter, motherfuckers!

Anyway, there were no Cadbury eggs, but they did have this bright blue nail polish and I decided it might just be a perfect color to liven up and dark outfit. A dark, WARM WOOL outfit, I might add, because spring is a bitch-faced tease.

And I'm actually in a pretty decent mood. I promise.

But I'm not sure on the blue for the office. I mean, I know it's not totally professional, but it's doesn't scream tween Justin Bieber fan either...or does it?


  1. I do not worry about nail colors being professional. I do have guys at work comment on my nails (usually "did you bruise your toes?" when I do Lincoln Park After Dark), but they can bite me if they think I'm unprofessional because I have trendy nails.

    Maybe if I was in a very public position I'd worry, but I'm in IT, they're lucky I'm not wearing cargo shorts and Birkenstocks.

  2. Love the nail color, and don't think it's terribly unprofessional. Your office isn't super uptight, is it? Go for it. I hope Spring (and the Cadbury eggs) come your way soon!

  3. yeah, F the office, I love love the blue. If I saw you walking down the street, your nails would make me happy and I'd likely even tell you so!

  4. I happen to have half a tray of cadbury mini-eggs in my pantry. Erm. Slightly less than a half-tray. *gulp* They're going quickly...

    And, I love the nail polish. And the hair.

  5. I love the blue! I routinely wear brightly coloured nail polish and I work in a professional (I use the term loosely) office. I reckon it's no different than someone wearing bright magenta lipstick (which happens all the damn time.) (The magenta lipstick wearer is not me.)

  6. I love blue polish, too. And so long as they're not super-aggressively long and flecked with rhinestones and whatnot, I don't think there's a professionalism issue. Yours are a nice length so the blue looks fresh and cute, not tacky.

  7. Easter is *super* late this year. Not til the 24th of April. Maybe that's why? Also, love the nails.

  8. Lisa - This makes me laugh: "they can bite me if they think I'm unprofessional because I have trendy nails."

    Susan H - No, my office isn't conservative and we're business casual - which sometimes is quite casual for some people.

    And I need spring so badly. More than I need Cadbury eggs.

    freckledk - I used to never say it but now find it shockingly satisfying. I think this is probably not a good development.

    And I got them at Dupont Optical. Spendy - I put away FSA money - but good quality and I really like those guys.

    FoggyDew - The hair is not great, but better than it was. As for your editorial changes - well done!

    frugalveganmom - It would totally make me smile if I were walking down the street and someone said they loved the blue nails!

    Jessica - They have to be eaten quickly so they don't spoil. I don't think that once you have them in hand they should sit around more than oh, half a day.

    And thank you, my friend. :)

    Hillary - My office is loosely professional as well. But nobody wears bright magenta lipstick.

    Wendy - Thank you. I think that's true - if they're short (and mine always are) you have a lot more leeway with color.

    amanda - Hmm, dunno. I think CVS just sucks at stocking the Cadbury eggs. Finding them seems to be a dicey proposition.

  9. Do you want me to send you some Cadbury Creme Eggs, The shops here have bloody great barrels of them in their doorways??
    I love Chocolate.
    PS I love those Blue nails and I dont have to worry about being too prof now so I might copycat and paint mine blue this weekend. atm they are clear with little blue, pink and silver glitter hearts on them. Now if thats not Beiberish what is?? lol Cant stand the little snot btw.

  10. I'm actually in a pretty decent mood, too, despite the fact that the bitch-faced tease slapped me upside the head this morning with a wintry morning that made it look like motherfucking Christmas out there.

    To borrow some phrases from my favorite writer.

  11. Oh I'm glad someone else doesn't know who all the people in those magazines are! And I love how they only use first names and (almost) everyone knows who they are talking about - "Cheryl caught naked!"

  12. I always worry about having fun colored nails at work, so I started painting my nails nice normal colors and painting my toe nails some wild color. My very passive aggressive wild side.

    And I had totally forgotten about Cadburry eggs until you mentioned them. Crap. Now I'm going to have to eat some.

  13. Love the nails. But angry cause you made me crave cadbury eggs and they don't sell them in Italy. Sigh.

  14. That CVS is out of line. That blue is a fun color and I'm loving the new colors out there for nails.


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