
Monday, March 07, 2011

So it's not no, but it's not yes. I guess it's yes on the way to no. In other words: Goddammit.

So on Friday I went in for blood work and then got a call and the first thing she said was, "Congratulations!"

Yippee! Everything looked good!

And then this morning I went in for more blood work - just to make sure things are progressing fine - and then waited and waited for a call with results. The results I know nobody wants to give and nobody wants to hear.

My numbers aren't doubling as they should. I need to come in on Wednesday for more blood. If it's not a viable pregnancy, they want my numbers to start going down.

Because if they don't, it could mean an ectopic pregnancy.

I asked her if the expectation is that it's not a viable pregnancy.

And she said yes.


  1. Aw, that sucks. I'm really sorry.

  2. oh gosh, lisa i'm so sorry. for some reason that awkward limbo stage is actually so much worse then a definite yes or no.

  3. Oh, Lisa, I second your damn it.

  4. That's terrible news to hear, Lisa. I hope it's not what you fear, though.

  5. Damn it. I'm so sorry. I'll keep thinking positive thoughts until you get a definitive answer though. If things are as your doctor suspects, does this mean you are a good candidate for the clomid moving forward?

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry. That's awful, and the waiting is the worst.

  7. ugh, i can't even imagine what shitty news that would be to get. i'm sorry girl. waiting for that kind of confirmation must be awful. keeping the best thoughts going for you though...

  8. I'm really sorry. One of my close local friends is also going through this - about 2 weeks ahead of your schedule. It is so hard not to get expectations up - and doubly hard when the initial results are positive. I'm thinking anti-ectopic thoughts for you and blessings for the next go.

  9. Good luck, and Goddamn it.

  10. Damn it! I spent the last 9 days on vacation, and when I got home last night the very first thing I did (no kidding) was open up my laptop to check your blog. I had been thinking about you all week and I was so hopeful for you.

  11. I, too was so hopeful! I'm so sorry, Lisa.

  12. That sucks, Lisa. I'm sorry :(

  13. I'm sorry Lisa. Goddamnit..... Peace and good thoughts to you friend.

  14. that totally blows lisa. i'm so sorry. thanks for keeping us posted - you have no idea how much you're straight forward, honest discussion of this topic means to people. xoxo

  15. Nope I am not giving up yet I will hang on to thinking and sending positive thoughts until a confirmation comes through, so loads of positive thoughts your way from the southern corner.

  16. :-( Damnit!!! I wondered all weekend. Still, my fingers will remain crossed and I'm positive thinking. Take care of you.


  17. Sending you good thoughts!

  18. Let me be the 11th to dammit, dammit.

  19. I've been there and it's awful. I'm so sorry.

  20. well that really sucks. take care of yourself and your family.

  21. Thanks, you all. I can't respond to these one by one - it just makes me cry.

  22. I'm so sorry. Hugs.

  23. i'm really sorry lisa. im sending lots of love and positive energy your way. xoxo

  24. So sorry, babe. I am. I am thinking about you all the time. This is hard stuff. Just know that instead of snow and wind, I'm sending shining white light out your way.

  25. I hope you get better news today Lisa. I've been there too and it sucks big time. But it doesn't mean all hope is lost. Erin came after seven miscarriages....


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