
Friday, May 06, 2011

Mother Goose version Nick.0

Nick has been trying to come home early enough once a week to see Jordan before he goes to sleep.

So the other night they were sitting together reading in the big red chair, reading Mother Goose's nursery rhymes. It's one of the few times where Jordan is totally calm and absorbed in a non-running non-banging non-clanging activity.

He sticks his thumb in his mouth and totally concentrates, and it's so sweet.

So I love to sit nearby and watch.

I was sitting in the blue chair, half checking email, half listening to them, silently intoning the familiar words.

"To market to market to buy a fat pig..."

"Jack and Jill went up the hill..."

It's funny how familiar they are, even if you haven't heard them since your childhood. You know every word.

Except when your husband catches you off guard:

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children that her uterus fell out."

Oh, I laughed.

"Just wanted to see if you were listening."


  1. HA! Have A Wonderful Mothers Day Lisa!

  2. Cute.
    I second the Mother's Day wishes. Hope it's happy and full of love and laughter.

  3. He stole that line, BTW. Remember Andrew "Dice" Clay? That was one of his.

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  4. Her name was Michelle Duggar.

    Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!

  5. monique esselmont5/06/2011 2:31 PM

    Happy Mother's Day, Lisa!! You deserve all the love and happiness. xoxox

  6. Hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock. The clock struck one, the rest escaped with minor injuries.

    "Old father Long-Legs can’t say his prayers; take him by the left leg, and throw him down stairs! When he’s at the bottom, before he long has lain, take him by the right leg, and throw him up again." Don't tell him that one. It's just funny to me.

  7. Lynn - I will probably post on Mother's Day, but I wish the same to you!

    Dana - Thank you! You, too!

    cla517 - Andrew Dice Clay! I didn't like him when he was popular and I promptly forgot about him. But maybe he was funnier than I thought...Thank you! You, too!

    Lisa - Hahahahayikes.

    monique - Thank you! Happy Mother's Day to you, too, my friend! Lots of love.

    texpatriate - Hahahaha! Oh, terrible. Poor old daddy long legs.

  8. Aw, how cute. My husband's version of telling bedtime stories is to give short summaries of each of the Star Wars movies. Complete with sound effects!

  9. That reminds me of this:

  10. Reason 6,789 why I think Nick was so worth the wait.

  11. And this is why you married the man.
    Happy Mothers Day Lisa.

  12. just having a little one call you plenty glamorous..

  13. oops! i mena tot post that unde rthe mothers day post and i meant to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

  14. I always like George Carlin's versions: Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old sould was he. He called for his pipe, he called for his bowl, well I guess we all know about Old King Cole."


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