
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pockets are key. Although I always feel like I should have something intriguing in them. Don't you think?

It is so very rare that I go to work in an outfit that I like, head to toe, and one that I feel good in.

Most work days, I've realized, I wear some version of the same thing. Black, grey, or khaki pants. A T-shirt and cardigan or sweater set. Material varies with the season. Boots or sandals, depending on the season.

Sometimes it's a new sweater. Or shirt. Or pants. But they're practically indistinguishable from the old ones.

Usually I look presentable. And, with the exception of some oatmeal blobs or other Jordan-breakfast detritus, I'm typically clean. So there's that.

I used to expend outfit energy when I went out in the evening. And I went o a lot. So I would wear my fun clothes, think about accessorizing, really make an effort to look attractive.

Except, of course, for this one terrible date, where I was clearly trying to look less attractive because I was wearing my glasses, and anyway, why didn't I just go ahead and tell him what else was wrong with me? (Asshole.)

But we rarely go out. We stay home in comfy clothes. And the end result is, I rarely feel like I look remotely attractive.

I look dressed. But only because I'm not naked. I never look like I'm dressed well.Which is why I totally had to document today. Because it is spring! And I feel great in my outfit! I am wearing one of the pretty dresses from my Target spree! And super cute high-heel sandals. I am tall! And nicely dressed! This makes me happy!

OK, yes, I look totally weird when I take my own picture, but I really wanted to show you the cool detail on my new dress. Also, and even better, it has pockets!


  1. very cute dress, love it! :)

  2. i swear to god, woman get out of my brain- i, too, am wearing a dress from target WITH POCKETS at work today. 'tis black, and has cap sleeves, and i'm wearing red patent pumps that i love,so it's really not all that similar, but still- OUT. OF. MY. HEAD.

    on second thought, that takes all the fun out of it, huh? carry on then.

  3. oh, and you look adorable, btw.

  4. Great dress! And heels too! Go LG! Sassy, sassy you are!

  5. you look super cute. and i love your freckles lisa. please give me some.

  6. I second SUPER Cute and I want to mention that one of the great perks of being married is not having to dress well so often. It's exhausting when it has to be done on a daily basis (especially for women) And, when you are dressed nice and feel put together and comfy it's such a nice feeling.If I remember right.

  7. Fabulous color on you!

    I'm in a spring dress with new, matchy, high-heeled sandals myself today! I do love it when the weather gets warm. I only seem to want to invest in summer clothes.

  8. that dress is super cute (and the colour looks stunning on you!)

  9. You look so pretty. That color suits you perfectly.

  10. You look fantastic!

    I should be thankful that I basically wear a uniform to work - no worry when it comes to getting dressed 5 days a week - but instead it makes me feel schlubby. I want a pretty bright blue spring dress.

  11. Love it! That color is fantastic on you, and you look so springy and fun!

  12. Lovely dress, you're stunning! Agree, a beautiful color on you. I think you are far more stylish and pretty than you give yourself credit for.

    I also read the post linked in this post and remember reading it the first time, in 2007. I was in a very different place in 2007, happily married.

    Now, I'm a single person in their 30's...and depressed having read those posts. The truth hurts sometimes. Or is it Reality Bites? Something like that. Sorry to be downer, your dress is so pretty!

  13. i know how you feel..ive been lazy about dressing and just about everything else ..for a while look adorable...:-)

  14. Today is the first day in I don't know how long that I've worn makeup to work.

    And you look lovely, as always! The color on that dress? Killer!

  15. i had to look up "detritus"
    and the dress looks smashing! it'sone after my own heart - awesome sublte detail and there's nothing i love more than a dress with pockets! even if it's just to put your pen in them : )
    (ps. Maggy London dresses tend to have pockets, just in case you're interested)

  16. You are such a beauty! That color is stunning on you, and I love the casual but feminine style of that dress. So fun.

  17. Ack!

    You're so cute I can't stand it.

    I don't wanna like you.

    But, I do.

  18. Pockets are key... how do women deal with not having pockets with everything?!?!

  19. cute cute cute! It is so nice to have a feel good outfit.

  20. i love that dress, especially the color and the pockets! you look great! happy spring!


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