
Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Apartment: The lovely-seeming potential tenants decided they didn't want to settle for Edith, and so they wrote to tell us that while they liked many things about the place and liked the idea of Nick as a landlord, they will soon be moving into a Mary apartment.

Bottle of pee: As you know, I've been varying my route so as not to get kidnapped, and so I hadn't walked by the scene of the pee-bottle for a while. But I did, and it is gone.

Tupperware: You don't know about our ongoing Tupperware struggles, but basically Nick and I each came into the marriage with assorted food storage containers in varying states of terribleness. And then Betty moved in with a ton more, also from about the year of the flood.

Tupperware seems to be like socks, but somehow even easier to misplace half of. And so we had a maddeningly increasing number of bottoms but no tops, or tops with no bottoms and storing leftovers had become infuriating.

Nick's hair practically caught fire every time he had a mismatched set to contend with.

And so, one day he ordered a new set and went on a Tupperware-tossing rampage and now we have all shiny matchy BPA-free containers. It's somehow quite satisfying.

Not sure what this says about how prosaic my existence is, but there you have it.

Pregnancy: I somehow got mixed up and thought I was already 28 weeks and heading into 29 but it turns out that it's 28 this Thursday. Somehow, this realization was tantamount to being sure it was Friday and learning it was only Tuesday. Crushed!

Downton: I am itching to write about it but Nick hasn't seen the most recent episode and I don't want to ruin it for him.

The dread skin itch: Is in fact much better since taking several of your ideas and ordering like a fiend off the internet.

Also, I am hoping the thyroid medicine will help with my dry dry skin, but let me tell you one of the things I've been doing. At the suggestion of a reader, I ordered a giant jar of organic coconut oil. I take my makeup off with it. I put it on after I shower, head to toe. And I love it.

It's totally economical, and you can eat it, so I feel fine slathering it all over my lips. AND I walk around smelling faintly of macaroon.

I choose to believe it lends me an air of tropical mystery.


  1. Haha, you made me laugh out loud again. Thank you.

    For a while, our tupperware situation was awesome. But now it is deteriorating. Where do the lids go?? And what the fuck are all these *other* lids?

    And don't even talk to me about sippy cups.

    1. I do not know where they go - they aren't like laundry where they get hauled all over creation. And yet, they disappear!

      And sippy cups...they are simultaneously magic and the work of the devil.

  2. I love this post for many reasons...topics with labels is so orderly, followed by the vision of organized Tupperware which is nice. Then you say "There you have it" and I'm reminded of my Mom. She says things like "Gad", "There you have it" and "Grin and bear it" which I think stems from Mid-western/Viking roots the two of you share. I could be totally wrong about that but am smiling, none the less.

    1. HK, you make me laugh. I love how organized you are, and you know I envy your organizational skills. I don't say the other two, but I do quite like "there you have it." My relatives said a lot of "oh for..." like "Oh, for funny!" "Oh for dumb!" I assume that's particular to North Dakota, but I don't know.

  3. Oooo, coconut oil. Use it to make the best brownies you'll ever taste! Outta this world.
    Also, email me about Downton Abbey. I was not pleased, but it sounds like you liked it. We must talk.

    1. Oh, will try! Yum!

      I meant to email you - it's not that I loved it, more that I wanted to engage in idle speculation. But I've missed tonight's, which I assume answered some of the stuff I wanted to chat about...Will email after I catch up on it.

  4. Wow, you're already viable and in your third trimester!!! That's crazy exciting! And oh my God I wish I had just one set of Tupperware with matching lids and no orphans.... Some day.

    1. So, it turns out I was wrong about being wrong, and I am nearing 30 weeks. I find it all very confusing. But very happy to be where I am.

      And this is the first time ever that I've had a matching Tupperware set and it is ridiculously pleasing. I feel silly saying that, but it's true.

  5. So, I have the same mismatched tupperware issues. Unless, of course, I've used the tupperware to give someone cookies. Then, it gets returned washed and matched.

    I assume this is because people want to stay on the good side of the cookie sheet, so to speak.

    And I imagine smelling like coconut (Hawaiian Tropic, anyone?), this time of year, is a happy thing. :o)

    1. Um. I've been a lucky recipient of your amaaaaaaazing confections, and am the asshole who has not returned your Tupperware...very very sorry about that. Yikes.

      And Jess, it's better than Hawaiian Tropic - subtler, more real. Lovely!

    2. If you have Tupperware of mine, I have completely forgotten about it. At this point, I actually have a Tupperware surplus, and a very small condo, so you're actually doing me a favor. :o)

  6. related (tupperware-wise):

    1. The Oatmeal is genius. That's EXACTLY how it is!

  7. Other great uses for coconut oil:
    Stir fries
    Diaper rash

  8. Here in Texas, I've come across my own bottle of pee on the way to work. It made me think of you. It is in a Hawaiian punch bottle with a blue label. But it is on a highway overpass so I doubt it will be picked up anytime soon.

    1. Thank you thank you for telling me that. I don't know why it delights me - maybe so as not to be alone in this bizarre pee-bottle spotting? And yes, on the side of a highway makes me think it will be there for the rest of eternity.

  9. mmmm coconut oil, smells yummy and tastes great in various baking things. Also massage into your hair/scalp 30 mins before you shower and wash your hair to make it silky and so very shiny too.
    At least Nick has some hair to catch fire, Ben went to his best mates farewell party Saturday night (Cam is off to Uni at the other end of NZ)and came home at 3am bald,,,,,,,,,shaved head,,,,mama not happy!!! Every time I walk past him now I whisper "my preciousssss" because he looks like Gollum!


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