
Monday, February 20, 2012

Two and a half

Jordan my sweet,

You are now two and a half. People weren't kidding when they said the time goes so fast. Pretty soon you'll be three, and then 12, and then suddenly, out of the blue, you'll be done with high school.

And I bet they'll still be doing construction on 18th Street.

This month you started labeling yourself with things you like. It's whatever the enjoyment of the moment is. For example, you started with "I'm a treat boy!" And then you got more specific. Now you'll say, "I'm a cupcake boy!" When you learned the joy of M&Ms, you immediately tagged yourself "an MumM boy!"

One of the things you really are is an adventure boy.

Your dad started taking you on Saturday and Sunday adventures months and months ago. Anything can constitute an adventure. You love the fire station. But you also love Home Depot, which, somehow, you've conflated with Old Hippo in The Little Gorilla, and so you call it Cold Home Hippo.

Adventures have defined components: a walk or a car trip to get there. Then time spent at the place: the marina, the airport, the train station, etc. And then, then hot dogs and french fries and some kind of treat. Usually ice cream or a cupcake.

These are all important pieces of the adventure.

On Saturday we all went on a Big Adventure to Fort Washington. I'm not particularly interested in American history, but your dad loves this sort of thing and it was a beautiful day, and lots of fun to walk around.Well, lots of fun for some of us. You, however, wanted to be carried. And NOT, I repeat NOT on Daddy's shoulders.You are so much like your father, although he says he was quite bold as a kid, which I can well imagine, and you are more cautious. Not at home, not in places you know and are confident. But in new situations.

But it's a joy to watch the two of you together, because the same things appeal to you. We were walking down a big hill, and your dad dropped to the ground and started rolling. You thought this was hilarious. Whereas I was thinking, ew, grass is itchy.

You both love to look at things like boats and planes and trains. And cannons! Oh, you like cannons! And I like going along as part of a family outing. But I'm never like, oh, wow! genuinely excited about the size of a cannon. Naturally, I can fake it. But it's not like if we were at a Nordstrom shoe sale or something.Last weekend your dad took you to the fire department, and you two got there just before they got called to a fire. Apparently they came sliding down the pole. And Dad was all, "Hey, cool! You guys really do slide down the pole!"

I don't actually think anyone ever grows out of firemen, to tell the truth.

I had to take this picture of you in your little scooted-up sweatpants and stripey socks. Those pants always scootch up your legs, and it bugs you. And you don't know how to say pull them down, so you say, "Close my pants! Close them!" And then we pull them down to your ankles and they scoot themselves right up again.You've always been very much your own little person, but I feel like in this past month you've become an even better conversationalist, and really, quite good company.

I mean, yes, sometimes you ask the same question over and over and overandoverandover until I'm pretty sure my ears are going to bleed. And sometimes you whine incessantly. But just as often now, you make really interesting or hilarious observations. You're endlessly fascinated with what can fit into what, and sizes and shapes.

You're starting to ask why about things. Of course, sometimes the why is you dumping your milk on the table and then asking, "Why I did that, Mama?"

I love you so much, my biggie boy.




  1. Happy birthday Jordan!

    I honestly can't believe he is this old already either!

  2. Gosh I would love to read something like this that my Mama wrote. How very special these letters are Lisa. And the photos too. But then your subject matter is so perfect. Happy 2 and a half Jordan. I'll eat a piece of cake and toast to you!

    1. My mom has some commentary in our photo albums, and I love it. I wish there were more. Thank you, lovely Lynn!

  3. So cute...

    Also, rolling down grassy hills like quite high on the list of the most fun things EVER! :-)


    1. I recall liking it as a kid. But now, itchy, itchy! :)

  4. Is it just an illusion caused by the scooted-up pants or is he incredibly tall now?! Wow!

    1. He is tall, but I also think he looks taller because he's lost all his baby chub. He's going to be my height pretty soon.

  5. Fun! Great photos! Close my pants....that is adorable. And wow, Jordan is tall.

    1. I love these expressions, and they are fleeting. He is tall - you'll be amazed at how much he's grown.

  6. Awww! So much to look forward to! And I can't believe I've been reading this blog for 3+ years!

    1. You have SO MUCH fun ahead of you with Jane! It just gets more and more fun!

  7. Oh, I am SO going to start calling it Cold Home Hippo! That's awesome. Happy two point five, Jordan!

    1. I LOVE that he calls it Cold Home Hippo. I realized what he was doing when I was reading Little Gorilla, and I read, "Even Old Hippo took him wherever he wanted to go..." And he said, "We go to...Cold Hippo...Home Hippo...Cold Home Hippo! I go to Cold Home Hippo with Daddy!"

  8. Adventures with daddy are the best! And it's very nice of them to let mama tag along sometimes too!

    1. You know, while I like the adventures sometimes, I also like to stay home and sleep in lieu of adventures. Feels like such a treat.

  9. OMG. THe second picture where Jordan is giving Nick the side-eye is CLASSIC. He has such a mischevious look! All I could think was Jordan thinking "I just pooped my pants!" :)

    Gorgeous photos. Jordan is so lucky to have such an involved daddy!

    1. Yes! Isn't there such mischief? He'd have gotten down and said, "Don't look at me!" if he were pooping, though. :)

      And his daddy is amazing with him. They are such great pals.

  10. I love these posts where you show us the vast changes that happen in such a short amount of time. He is so adorable. The photo of him with Nick is a delight.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I'm so glad to have been documenting - particularly when I have reminders of how much changes so fast.


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