
Monday, March 26, 2012

The kind of for example that can make a husband twitchy

So this morning I had this sudden sharp little pain and it caused me to suck in my breath and kind of clutch at the counter with one hand and my abdomen-ish region with the other.

Which is a total exercise in futility because where I need to make it stop is so very far from accessible.

It wasn't subtle, and Nick was immediately worried. "Are you OK?"

It was the same kind of stabby little poke me in the somewhere terrible pain I've been getting intermittently and complaining about regularly. It happens and it's awful and it passes.

So I said, "It's fine. It just feels like she's stabbing my vagina from the inside."

"Are you sure it's a stabbing pain? Because maybe it's a contraction?"

Instead of being all, dude, I know a motherfucking stabbing pain from a contraction pain I thought, why not bring the illustration home?

"Nick. A contraction feels like squeezing. Stabbing feels like stabbing. If someone were stabbing your penis with a sharp little pin, would you be able to distinguish it from someone squeezing your penis, even if they were squeezing it hard?"

"Fine, Lisa, fine. I understand. You've got a stabbing pain."

So there.


  1. it's important to illustrate these things in terms that they can understand...

  2. I will just say that when I went into the hospital to deliver Josie, I was informed that I was significantly dilated and having contractions - contractions which I had been dismissing for 2 weeks as non-contraction stabbing pains.

    1. Wow, Wendy. Were they like a sharp stab to the vagina from the inside? That's exactly what these are like. For me dilating early would be a great scenario.

      The midwives are worried I won't dilate, since I didn't at all despite all the drugs. But this time around they have me on Evening Primrose Oil and I'm hopeful that will help.

  3. I agree....illustration is very important. That said, a pictorial illustration on the blog page would be hysterical don't you think? lol. Hope the stabby pans stop soon.

    1. I should have thought of that. The next time I complain, I will draw a picture!

  4. ohmygosh i'd forgotten all about the vagina stabbing from the inside! those used to wake me jup out of a dead sleep, i was convinced he has a foot dangling in the birth canal... ugh. i have felt your pain and i am sending all the sympathy i can your way : )

    1. Yes! I totally picture a tiny hand with an outstretched finger going POKE POKE POKE!

  5. I've seen this lovely situation called "Lightning Crotch" as it feels like a zap of lightning to the cervix. They wake me out of a dead sleep on occasion. I feel your pain!

    1. Hahaha - lightening crotch is a great way to describe it! ZAP!

  6. This has NOTHING to do with your post, but I think it will make you laugh:

  7. Nothing to see here. Move along, sir.


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