
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Birth announcements, the battle of the cold pants, and various and sundry updates

Birth Announcements: 
I'm inordinately proud of myself for getting a birth announcement put together. I didn't manage it for Jordan, and though I had good intentions and a nice family photo, I never made the damn Christmas cards. So I was determined to make India cards.

I know for many people this is perhaps not a feat...but I come from a long line of no-card-sender-outers. And I did it!

Cold Pants:
It is 90+ degrees in DC right now. It is hot as balls. And my son insists on wearing his cold pants.

And if you haven't read the cold pants post, then let me tell you that by cold pants I do of course mean lined nylon track pants. The kind that do not breathe. There's nothing cold about them in this heat. And still, he will. not. wear. shorts.

Or even nice cool cotton pants. No no no. To the point of sobbing hysteria.

We still only have two acceptable pairs. Because the kind we bought on eBay weren't exaaaaaactly the same. Like a socialite spotting an excellent fake Hermes bag, he turned up his nose at the would-be cold pants.

Actually, he didn't turn up his nose. He kicked and screamed. We would not be donning those imposters!

He and Nick had a huge drama-trauma scene the other morning because both pairs of cold pants were dirty. Like, too dirty to just put on him and pretend they were clean. He finally deigned to wear a pair of brown sweatpants with an orange stripe up the side. Even though he has myriad more comfortable (as in, less sweltering) options.

Little Miss Piggle Wiggle:
At India's one-month checkup she'd gained almost three pounds! Apparently they want babies to gain an ounce a day. She thus wildly exceeded expectations.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said she eats all the time. She wakes up and she wants to eat!  Nownownow! And the girl has lungs on her! She is not to be ignored!

Places we have nursed so far: The Diner, Target display couch, display chaise longue at Costco, standing in a corner at a different Costco, 16th Street bus stop, consult room at endocrinologist, waiting room of GW's blood lab...

I really wish breasts weren't so sexualized in the US. I would like to be able to whip out my boob and nurse without having to squeeze it through random flaps in these confusing nursing shirts and staying all covered with a blanket.

Working Out
Or, uh, not.

Since India's birth, I've gone out walking a few times, but nothing more strenuous than that. There re many, many days where I just sit. All day long.

And here's what I find disturbing: it's appallingly easy for me to just not exercise.

There are moments where I think I'd like to go for a nice run...And then it's about time to nurse again, or it will be shortly, so I walk to the kitchen and pour a glass of water and make myself a nice cup of tea and pair it with a bowlful of M&Ms and/or Cheez-Its and settle into the big red chair.

And another day goes by. It's that easy. Usually I get all twitchy when I don't exercise for a few days. I'm not a great sitter-arounder. So I find it rather disturbing that it bothers me not one bit, except mentally.

What, I wonder, if I just never have the urge to work out again? Eventually, I'm going to have to stop wearing maternity clothes...


  1. Love that announcement! The world is backwards! Jordan wearing hot pants in a gazillion degrees, not being able to feed children with the feeders we were provided, you not caring to work out AND you got an announcement out. Somebody counter spin the Earth and Soon!
    (you may be working out more than you realize, feeding a baby is sort of a workout isn't it? and arguing with a two year old? like crunches times 15)
    Thank you for posting. I was thinking about you this morning and wondering how it was going.

    1. What Lynn said - love it; ditto!

    2. Thank you both! I love what Lynn said, too! Arguing with a two-year old (and occasionally having to dead-lift him from the sidewalk and haul him home) must count as a massive workout.

  2. The announcement is so lovely! And if you think you might like to ease into things with some yoga, there's a studio near Dupont Circle I've been thinking about trying that has very reasonable rates.

    As for the pants... I got nothin'. My mom has this Look that gets B&E to try new foods and wear whatever Grandma deems appropriate, but Sibling has had no such success. Would referring to them as "little boy" pants, and referring to all of his more appropriate clothes as "big boy" pants help, do you think?

    1. I like the idea...but a scheduled workout would stress me out. I'll do better on my own time than needing to show up for a class, because invariably I'd need to nurse, pump, something.

      He is embracing many things baby right now, so the big boy thing isn't working as well. He puts her pacifier in his mouth (she's not so into it anyway), tries to get into her car seat, things like that.

  3. Super cute announcement! Love the photo on the left side. What a sweetie!

    I'm in DC this week visiting my family, and my nephew (who is just about Jordan's age) has been wearing the same long pants and long sleeve shirts every day. And absolutely refuses to change. Boys!

    1. Thank you!

      And you just made me feel better. At least Jordan is willing to change!

  4. Aaaa! I'm here in DC and it is HOT AS HELL. So I know exactly what you mean.

    1. Yes, it's been brutal. Today is nice, though! I mean, not nice enough for double polyester, but nice.

  5. Who knew boys would be this opinionated about clothes...
    I was so scared of breastfeeding in the US I never did it outside, in Italy you can literally walk around with an infant hanging from your boob and no one will even notice you. I think the idea here is that as long as there's a baby around boobs are no longer sexual objects, they're food dispensers, in fact a nice plate of spaghetti all'amatriciana will probably get a more lustful look.

    1. Haha - I'm sure you're right about the spaghetti vs. nursing boobs! We have such a fixation on boobs here. It's ridiculous. But I don't actually care who sees. I'm not waving them around in public, but when my baby needs to eat, she needs to eat.

  6. Hey, if you're tired, you're tired....but ya better git them dang m&m's n' cheezits outta there, and quick!

    1. You are so right. Thanks for the reminder. I needed that.

  7. Love the announcement - so lovely and nicely done! Hugs to you :)

  8. The only way I managed to get outside with Cooper just after he was born was through babywearing. You could get an Ergo with an infant insert and they are so easy to nurse in, and with the hood pulled up, it's super private, too.

    1. I've been wearing her in a Bjorn, and I've tried the Moby with no success. But I don't imagine I will ever feel comfortable nursing in the carrier. And honestly, I don't love babywearing. She's on me so much, I kind of like to walk without her on my front. I know it sounds terrible.

  9. The cold pants thing would drive me insane. But this too shall pass. And I loved the announcement - so cute.

    As for working out, pick a day when you want to start and plan to work out 3 days that week. Write it in your calendar or put it in your iphone or whereever, and then just do it. Once you get one under your belt, you'll feel great and remember why your body loves it.

    1. It does drive me insane. But one day he'll be too big for them, if he doesn't get over them before that.

      OK. I will take that approach. Thanks for your no-nonsense advice, Wendy. I do appreciate it.


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