
Monday, May 07, 2012

No walls can keep me protected; No sleep, nothing in between me and the rain

I've been thinking of her as my little hurricane drunk, if you're familiar with that song.
I love love love the milk drunk face.
However. The nursing every two hours, night and day? It is killing me. Kih-hih-hilling me.

Beyond that, she mainly likes to sleep being held. Put her down, and she wakes up. And if she's awake, she thinks she should be eating. My mother says I was exactly like this.

Yikes. Sorry, Betty.

And on top of the chaos and exhaustion of new-babyness, Jordan is having regular screaming fits. He alternates between patting India gently and being very sweet to her and turning to me and asking, "Should I kick the baby sister?"

And then something calamitous will happen - like we'll put ketchup on his plate. Or pour milk over the cereal. Or Nana will give him a bath instead of Daddy. This will cause him to scream - that fake cry scream that makes my head melt - at the top of his lungs. He can keep it up at massive volume for a remarkably long time.

Seriously. The other night he yelled for 30 minutes straight while Nana bathed him. They were both exhausted afterwards.

So what I'm saying is, we're all very tired.


  1. I just had my son on 4/13. My daughter will be 2 in 2 weeks. She has turned from my sweet little girl into a complete and utter brat overnight. So what I'm saying is, you're not alone. Here's to hoping BOTH of our older children adjust...and SOON.

  2. *hugs* and sleep and quiet...

  3. Oh, she's just beautiful! I hope she starts spreading out her feedings soon. God, the first six weeks are tough, aren't they? Hang in there.

  4. Cutie pie! Hope you get some rest soon, you're an amazing Mama and lady to keep up with all that is going on at your house. xoxo

  5. I have vague recollections of what you're talking about, vague... soon enough you will hardly remember the insanity and when you'll think back to this time all you'll remember is the cuteness of India, of Jordan being the big brother, of the new baby smell... you'll think back fondly of all the nighttime nursings just you and her... that's the only way evolution could ensure survival of the species...

  6. I wish I was closer, I could actually help.... do you have a carrier to put her in, or a sling? Zoe only slept ON me for the first 6 weeks. BRU-TAL! start pumping my darling, at 4 weeks, Nick can start giving her a bottle so you can get some sleep. so so so hard. thank god they are cute, cause otherwise....

  7. Oh Lisa, So hard that first month or two. I'm in agreement with that pumping idea. Easier on you and the boobs! My grand-baby would only sleep on her mom unless she was swaddled. It hurts for me to see a baby swaddled but damned if she doesn't love it. Sending you restful, peaceful, energy inducing thoughts. We're with you in spirit!

  8. the milk drunk is THE BEST FACE EVER! I should show you Stevie's - can you handle that our second children are only one week apart in age? pretty cool!

  9. Oh my I feel for you. And I'm in awe that you find time to blog! She sure is a cutie. Such a cliche but so true that the hours go slow but the years go fast... hang in there! xxx

  10. Oh she is just beautiful but I am nodding my head along with the eating and the sleeping - G was the same way. It levelled off after a bit (the eating - he still only sleeps when being held)but the first 3 months were so hard. You're doing great, hunny bunny. Big love.

  11. Oh! She is so beautiful!

    Also: what Sophie said. And: nursing is hard and you are a saint.

  12. 30 minutes screaming nonstop???!!! Oh my gaaaaaaawd, somebody get that poor nana some earplugs...better idea, earplugs all around! :-0

  13. Heeeeee milk drunk face is soo damn cute, Big J on the otherhand not so much when he gives you all grief. I never had a second so I cannot speak from experience but I have heard they go through a huge period of insecurity with the arrival of number two. Cant remember what they say to deal with it sorry but I am sure it will pass. Amen to ear plugs for Betty too. Maybe show hi when he screams you are all going to put ear plugs in because he hurts your ears and if he has something making him sad he needs to talk to Mummy or Daddy or Betty in a nice voice about it so you can help him.


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