
Friday, July 27, 2012

India: month three

Dear India,

Last week you turned three months old. I meant to write this then, but life got in the way.

This no-take-a-bottle crisis has been dominating our lives but I have just read a few things that make me wonder if it's the milk and not the bottle, and I'm going to experiment - but that's a whole nother post in itself.

In the past month you've gotten very chatty and smiley and giggly.  It's truly delightful, and I have to say, you're quite good company. You also have strong opinions and when you are not happy, you are NOT HAPPY and the world knows it.

You've found your hands and your feet, and you seem determined to fit your entire fist in your mouth. Being stubborn as the rest of us, I'm quite sure one of these days you'll succeed.

We went to Clemyjontri park last weekend. It's an incredible playground, and I really wish we had something like it near our hours. It is crazy popular, and we had to park in satellite parking. Seriously - satellite parking for a playground.

Your brother was fixated on this car, and really wanted a passenger. You were the only one small enough to fit. Here you are, resignedly humoring him. I'm pretty sure I make the same "Oh, for the love of Pete" face when I'm on your dad's sail boat.
Your Aunt Maude came to visit, which was a joy. We introduced her to the magical chaos of Reef kiddy happy hour. Here she is holding you. She's glowingly pregnant, due in October. You're destined to be friends with her child.
Towards the end of our evening, this cluster of children surrounded you. Turns out babies are fascinating for little kids. Who knew? You were kind of what the hell about it, but handled the attention well.

Your brother was so proud - you're HIS baby sister!
All in all, it's been another good month, my little friend. I'm going to be sad when my maternity vacation (HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I make myself laugh!) ends next month.

Love love,



  1. So adorable.

    And I love Clemyjontri, but the traffic/parking sitch is crazy. We tried to go when we were there for Thanksgiving and the line of cars on Georgetown Pike, filled with people creating a traffic jam just to get a space in the satellite parking lot, was enough to make us decide to turn around and find another playground.

    1. It was nuts! And the satellite parking is a bit of a walk with two kids.

  2. Happy 3 months India! This post makes me smile for you and your family, what fun you're all having. The bottle/milk situation must be rough and sleep is a luxury but oh the joy yall are having! xoxo HK

    1. Hugs to you, Heather! We are having fun most of the time.

  3. are you going to pump and then give it to her in bottle? then start adding a bit of homo organic milk until she gets used to it?

    1. We've been exclusively giving her breast milk - from breast or in bottle - but now she won't take a bottle.

  4. Gosh I hope the bottle thing sorts itself out soon. Sadly I have no words of wisdom , Ben took the bottle like a limpit, I used to have to almost prise it out of his mouth lol. On another note she is adorable though isnt she.


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