
Monday, August 13, 2012

Lisa's had more birthdays than there are sad country songs about trying to love two women and only taking one girl home

Nick woke me up this morning with a flat, square package, wrapped in red and gold paper. Jordan had helped him tape it. There was lots and lots of tape.

I have had a lot of birthdays and have received a lot of gifts. But inside this box was one of the best presents I have ever, ever gotten. It made me cry, in the good way.
Nick came across this note from my dad while going through storage boxes, and had it framed for me.

My dad had tried to commit suicide that spring, and was nearly dead when the EMTs found him. He was in the hospital for two months. It was a rough year, although things were better, much better, by the time my birthday arrived.

Coincidentally, this sweet note was written three months before I met Nick. My dad's birthday wish for me came true that year.

My India was hanging out on the bed, and and just after I unwrapped this, my Jordan came running into the room and said, "Happy birthday, Mama!"

I'm loved and lucky. And I hope you are, too.


  1. *sniff*

    What an amazing gift. Well done, Nick. And happy birthday, my friend. xoxo

  2. Awww, tears here too. Happy Birthday, hope you have another year filled with what your Dad wished for you.

  3. What a lovely way to connect with what your relationship with your Dad was really about: love.

    Happy birthday!

  4. Oh happy day, Lisa. Happy, happy birthday! What a beautiful gift from Nick and it's wonderful to have your heart full of love from family on your birthday. xoxo HK

    1. Hugs hugs, HK. Thank you for your lovely message and this sweet comment.

  5. Happy Birthday, birthdate buddy! Today's my 30th, and considering I want to turn around and smack my 25 year old self in the face for going to med. school, I hope that good things happen to make me feel differently in the next year too.

    Enjoy your year!


    1. I hope good things happen to you as well! What a great birthday date! It's my favorite.

  6. That's precious. And beautiful.

  7. It's Beautiful. I am so thankful that these good things are in your life. This put a bowling ball lump in my throat. Hugs and Happy Birthday.

  8. this is beautiful. the sentiment, the gift, the moment you described, it's all just beautiful. have a wonderful birthday!

  9. Such a beautiful gift to cherish always. Happy Birthday, Lisa.

  10. What a wonderful gift, and a wonderful day! Much love to you, my friend.

  11. What a wonderful, perfect gift. Nick did good! Happy (belated) birthday!

    1. He did, he really did. Thank you, Ginger!

  12. Perfect birthday. I am thinking a lot about birthdays these days. This post is a happy reminder that birthdays really beat the alternative

    1. Well, you do certainly make a good point! Beat the alternative for sure.

  13. i already happy bday'd you on the facespace, but i just came across this and can't stand it. best. gift. ever. how sweet/ bittersweet. i hope you enjoyed your day; your birthday buddy had two parties with a trip to boston sandwiched between, so he is thrilled beyond belief. have a wonderful year with those scrumptious babies, imaginary internet friend!

  14. Happy Birthday! (your husband is really very sweet)

  15. What an awesome gift. Great job Nick! Enjoy - the gift and the love. And happy (belated) birthday.


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