
Monday, August 27, 2012

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

Big things have been a-happening in our little world!
First, India started taking a bottle. We went away for Nick’s work retreat, and all the adults were going out for dinner, leaving the gaggle kids with babysitters. I was worried about leaving her, just knowing she’d have a fit and not take a bottle and it would be traumatic and tragic for all involved.

And lo, the seas parted, and she took a bottle like it was no big thing and was sound asleep when I got back to the hotel. And then she drank a couple more over the weekend, all casual-like.

Personally, I think she’s seen us eating and drinking and has begun viewing these things with increasing interest, and decided, “What the hell? Could be fun.”

Tra la!

Also! Equally big news! Jordan went to day care in UNDERWEAR today. He’s been using the potty for the last couple days.

He’s known for quite a while when he needs to pee and poop, but he’s been afraid of the potty and the toilet. But I got him these delightful Cars undies, and he loves them so. I gave them to him on his birthday, and honest to God, he attended his party in a T-shirt and underwear. There was no way to get him to put on pants.

“Is that Lightening McQueen? Oh, yeth!”

That lasted a couple hours and then he wanted the safety of a diaper and then hell no he was not putting them on the next morning for day care.

Around the house, however? Delighted, as long as there was no pressure.  Nick would suggest he put on his Cars underwear and they could sit on the couch together and watch Cars. That kind of thing, he was totally up for.

So the underwear.
Oh, and admittedly more importantly, we upped the ante. Nick went and offered him a backhoe if he would poop in the potty.
Seriously. One poop, and you get a whole truck. This kind of offer does not come around often.

Thus, and after rejecting M&Ms and stickers left and right, it suddenly seemed worth it.

So he screwed his courage to the sticking-place, held Nick’s hands, stared deeply into Nick’s eyes, as his father told him that he believed in him, and he knew he could do it…and jubilation! He did it!

The fanfare! The excitement! Betty and I were summoned to view the contents of the potty and exclaim upon it. The pride! Oh, the pride!

If you don't think they didn't have to wipe his butt and head immediately to Toys R Us, you do not know my boys.


  1. Josie's been using the potty and wearing big girl pants to school for about 3 weeks. It is a miraculous thing, not having to buy diapers anymore (except nighttime pullups). Congratulations!

    1. Go Josie! So exciting! I never imagined I'd be so thrilled about underwear. I am so delighted at the prospect of buying fewer diapers monthly.

  2. Oh, yay, I'm happy to hear all the exciting news at your home! Posts on poo have been lacking of late, I feel, so progressive news on the subject is good. I hope India taking a bottle means more sleep or relaxation for you.

    1. I want to give you a giant hug for so many reasons, and let me assure you, I'd wash my hands first. :) Because there has been no lack of poo here. Just lack of posting.

      So far, sleep has not improved, but I am hopeful...

  3. Isn't it a wonderful day when they finally start on the potty????

    And good job India! That makes your imminent return to work a bit easier.

    1. Yes! Such a big day for all of us! We clapped and high fived and all of it.

      I went back to work yesterday. Such a relief that she's happy with the bottle.

  4. Oh Jordan seems smart enough to somehow wrangle a whole fleet of backhoes before this game is through!Hee! But Hurrah! So much change going on over there. I thought of India today and worried about about the bottle dilemma. So relieved for you that she has conceded (on her own terms of course :) Frabjous Indeed.

    1. Lynn, my ND friend, you are so right. There is an already-purchased dump truck waiting in the wings, and he knows it. :)

      Thank you for the worry. I was so stressed returning to work yesterday, but they texted to say she'd had 4 oz in the morning, and knowing she was fine with the bottle made it so much better.

  5. Oh so wonderful! Hooray! :) :) :)

  6. that's great news! my little one is still shaking "no! no! no!" to the bottle.

    1. It was down to the wire and I was totally stressed about going back to work and having her starve herself all day and eat all night. And thankfully, that's not happening!

  7. Yay and Double yay, it's all coming together for you. Things happen when they do and sometimes there is just no pushing it across the finish line. Well done Jordan and India.
    An aside to mum and dad I would bet the excavation vehicles are going to increase in number over the next few weeks. Maybe use one for every milestone, like now he has used the potty make the next one for when he uses it on his own when he needs to or something, make each reward another step further down the path he needs to go rather than for repeating an action.

  8. Oh my how many achievements I've missed being away a few days! A backhoe seems like the most logical reward for this type of step forward, m&ms and stickers indeed, is his father not a lawyer?! And YAY for India, big girl on her way to becoming independent from mama!!


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