
Monday, March 04, 2013

See? Sometimes I actually leave the house without oatmeal on my shoulder.

So, I got a new work/date dress and I kind of really love it and wanted to share.

Fortunately, I know this is not where you turn for hard-hitting news. Or soft-hitting news. Or, you know, anything of global consequence.

But back to my dress.

By work/date dress I don't mean that I've become an escort. More that I think it's serious enough for the office but that I can tart it up for evening. No?
This is my subdued for work look. Black tights and boots. Black cardigan when I'm cold.
But I feel like for a nice date night like perhaps next week for Nick's birthday, I could wear it with pops of bright color...maybe red? Fuchsia? I don't know. I have fuchsia shoes, but they're for warm weather.

I don't have any red shoes. I probably should, no? It seems like red shoes should be a staple. But, anyway, can you wear colored shoes with dark tights? Maybe just very red lipstick? Or a bright sweater? Or scarf?

Because honestly, I can't think of any footwear besides wool socks and boots right now. Seriously, it's supposed to snow tomorrow night!?

If Snowquester keeps us all home, I'll be all, "Jordan, India, Betty, sit still so I can practice the smoky eye!"

But back to the dress: I think it makes me look super curvy and like I have boobs, which I still sort of do, but less and less as we head towards Boob Liberation Day, which is right around the corner. But there's that nice optical illusion piece in the front that seems like a bit of magic.

Turns out I had a lot more to say than I thought.

Hi! Monday!


  1. So cute! I love dresses like that, and this one looks fantastic on you. I think you could wear a closed-toe red shoe with black tights, and maybe a red scarf or chunky red necklace?

    1. Thank you! I love the suggestions and I LOVE the shoe you sent! I was thinking how fabulous red patent would be...

  2. Oh I really like this dress. And red lipstick, or scarf or a nice bright sweater would rock that dress. And even if it's nasty out (full on blizzard going on in my town right this minute) having a pop of color when Spring is right around the corner would cheer up everyone around you. It looks so nice on you. And I got the giggles thinking of Jordan getting a smokey eye....Adam Lambert Style.

    1. A friend suggested turquoise or yellow, and I think either of those could be lovely as well! Now I just have to look through my closet...

      We are supposed to get rain then snow tonight and ugh, I cannot actually get excited about snow at this point, even though I've been wishign for some this winter.

  3. Why is this a question my animal print loving friend? Leopard heels all the way! Love the dress!

    1. Alas, I have none! I haven't been able to find a leopard pair I like that are actually comfortable as well. Also, I don't know that they would work, even though I do consider animal prints neutrals. Snakeskin, however...(which I also do not have.)

  4. Love the idea of a bright shoe/scarf or bright shoe/necklace combo!! Cute dress and great for the boobs! (And I mean that in a totally non-creepy way!)

    1. Thank you! Yes, so pleased with the boob-friendliness of this dress. We'll see in a couple months. I might have to put socks in my bras. :)

  5. Love the dress! Work it lady! Does that phrase refer to escorts? Or Melanie Griffith in 'Working Girl'? (haven't seen the movie)

    I loved the hue of the gown Jennifer Garner wore this year to the Oscar's, a bright and rich berry color. I think a scarf that shade would look oh so pretty with your dress. Red shoes would be fun and flirty. I bought a red handbag recently and am not sure how I lived without one all this time.

    1. I don't know about "work it lady!" Maybe? I remember really liking that movie oh so long ago!

      I love this sentence: I bought a red handbag recently and am not sure how I lived without one all this time. Love!


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