
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And after all the violence and double talk There's just a song in all the trouble and the strife You do the walk, you do the walk of life...

Would you like me to walk for someone you've lost? Or someone who struggles with depression?

I don't know if this sounds cheesy or not, but it is a heartfelt offer. This Saturday night I am walking in memory of my dad, and of my uncle. I am walking for friends and loved ones who have struggled, who continue to struggle.

I'm scared and excited about the walk. I've never been in a whole group of people who have survived the suicide of a loved one.

Or maybe I have. But nobody ever talks about it.

Anyway. If you'd like me to walk for someone, for multiple someones, you can leave a name in the comments, or send me an email at lemongloria at You can give me a whole name, a first name, initials, whatever might be comfortable for you.

I'm going to carry a piece of paper of names with me. If it will give you comfort, add a name to my list.

Hugs to all of you.


  1. I think it's great. My friend's name was Gabe Lester. We met on AOL as teenagers, because we shared a birthday (gotta love those first generation internet friendships!). He passed away at 17 of an apparent suicide, and I still, at age 30, think of him on my birthday every year. Thank you.

    1. Yes, I am happy to add Gabe to my walking for list. I'm so sorry. 17 is a baby. And sharing a birthday is so powerful.

  2. Oh, Lisa. Thank you. Will email shortly.

  3. Andrew Kramer, a family members young son. And every mom out there that has been ostracized or shunned by an adult child and couldn't live through it. Thank You, Lisa. I'll be thinking of you.

    1. I'll put him on my list. And all the moms - I walk for them for you, Lynn. Big hugs to you. And so glad things are so much better.

  4. Trying to type my godfathers name made me choke up. Just for everyone who felt or feels a burden that they don't know how to share. Thank you for doing this.

    1. I will do this, definitely. That is an important group of people. I wish you peace.

  5. Would you please walk for Mariah Kochavi, I knew here when I worked at Walter Reed and she died by suicide after suffering a brain stem stroke. I only knew her once she got sick but from all I heard about her she was so very full of life. And is so very missed. Here is an article about her

    1. I would be honored to. What a tragic thing to happen to such an amazing person.

  6. Rob B. and David K. My friend and my cousin. And Randi's mom, whose name I don't know. And Brad's brother, another name I don't know. I didn't realize how many people I knew who were touched by suicide until I started typing. So sad.

    1. Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry you have so many people. Yes, yes I will put them all on my list in the way you gave them to me.

  7. Hey Lisa, I love the idea of walking with the names of people who committed suicide tucked in your pocket. Please add my Dad, Harry McMillan, to your list. Dad would have loved this walk as he loved to walk and hike. I hope this is a very rewarding and cathartic night for you. My thoughts will be with you.

    1. I would be so glad to include your dad on my list. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, Martha. Big hugs and so much love to you!

  8. I love this offer. Eddie Diamond Sponga was my Mom's boyfriend (and my best friend's half brother). He was an amazing man, full of interesting ideas, an accomplished musician, and passionate about his family and friends. He got married after he and my mom broke up and had two little girls. He suffered from schizophrenia and was having a really hard time trying to get his medication right when he committed suicide. I miss him to this day, as I am sure his lovely family does.

    1. Oh, Kaysha. I'm so sorry. What a tragedy, what a loss.

  9. Lloyd Richard Wilson. My grandfather. Knowing my mom's history, he was a very sick, very not nice man. But, he obviously suffered and made those around him suffer. I pray that we can get mental help for everyone so that another family does not have to suffer the way my mom's did, during her father's life and because of his death.

    1. Yes, absolutely, Cheryl. People in pain are often not very nice people, and they make others around them miserable. I'm so sorry that your mom had to suffer in his life and from his death. Absolutely I will walk for him, for you all.

  10. I don't have a name to add to the list, but I wanted to say how lovely I think it is that you are doing it.

    1. Thank you, Sadie. Thank you for the kind comment! Makes me feel good!

  11. My little brother, Edward, who shot himself at nineteen one dark October night. Thank you, Lisa.

    1. Oh, J, so painful, and so painfully young. It's my pleasure to walk for him.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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