
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Overnight names

This is my shirt and the paper with the names.

I've taken all the names you've given me and written them on a piece of handmade, hand-dyed paper. I chose yellow, with a tye-died circle, as to me it represents sunshine and a new day.

A number of you emailed me, rather than leaving them on the blog, and so I've blurred them out in case you don't want them public.

I checked in this afternoon. I'm about to head down to the walk.

Everyone I met yesterday was so friendly. We brought India down with us this afternoon, and people we'd met yesterday were excited to meet her. This group feels like a hug.

I can't wait.

Hugs to all of you.


  1. And *hugs* back to you. You are doing an amazing thing. Thank you for being you.

  2. All of my hugs and positive thoughts are with you tonight, dear friend.

  3. And more hugs and thanks to you, Lisa! And thank you for sharing the picture (and for blurring the names). I love that piece of paper, it is beautiful.


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