
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ooh, I like this one!

Is your self-esteem connected to your hair?

I think that for a lot of women this is the case.  I don't know about men. They don't seem to fret about hair as much, or anyway, not publicly.

When I was up in Vermont, Maude said something that made me realize that while my self-esteem isn't necessarily connected to my hair, my hair has historically been a mirror for how I felt about myself. And the worse I've felt, the shorter I've had it.

When I was in college, when I had gained 40 pounds freshman year and perhaps needed my hair the most, I chopped it short. And again in grad school, when I was miserable and had gained a bunch of weight, I got a pixie. By the time Maude and I were driving cross-country to San Diego, I basically had a crew cut. It was awful.

I felt ugly inside and I felt just as ugly outside. It would've been easier to have hair, I think, but I wasn't actually aware of what I was doing. I just wanted it off. Off!

And even now, when I generally feel pretty decent about myself, and reasonably attractive on a consistent basis, whenever I feel a big need to shake up something in my life, it tends to be my hair. Today's haircut is the first one that I've given significant advance thought and research to. I knew I wanted a change, but I wanted a deliberate one.

I have dyed it a multitude of colors: apricot (by accident - lesson learned: never listen to a Victoria's Secret salesperson about temporary hair dye); dark brown (very terrible); platinum blonde, both at home (not recommended, as it can skew chick yellow or purple, both of which I've done) and professionally; and highlighted blonde.

Blonde works best with my skin, as it brightens up the pale. Even though I'm not actually blonde anymore, I still have the blonde skin and the blue eyes. I love rich brown hair, particularly with blue eyes, but I don't have the skin for it.

Long hair is sexy - I don't think anyone would argue that - and if I could have luxurious, thick long hair, I would do so. I love seeing women with a rich cascade of hair down their backs. I grew my hair as long as I could handle it, and I think it stopped being attractive a few inches ago.

However. I learned that I love having a pony tail, and surely I'll go back to it.

But I think I feel best with a short, modern sort of cut. What that means, I'm not sure - but it definitely means not a crew cut, and not a chop in desperation, trying to somehow cut off the pieces of me that I hate.

It's so weird that this head covering, the styling of this extra protein that grows out of our scalps, can have such importance. Isn't it?

But it does. And I have to say, this one feels great.


  1. It looks *super* awesome! I loved having short hair until I went to the gym. And no matter what I do, I cannot enjoy working out with shorter hair. I need for it to be pull-back-able.

    But if I didn't, I'd be Single-White-Female-ing that cut in a heartbeat, even though we have completely different face shapes and it wouldn't look nearly as good on me.

    1. I totally understand the annoyance of non-pull-back-able hair. And you work out so much that it would certainly drive you nuts. I have had some idiotic mini-ponytails on top of my head and such along the way. This I think (hope!) is short enough to just clip.

      You have a beautiful face and very striking eyes and it would look great on you. As you change your hair color pretty regularly and dramatically, you might not have the same need I did to shake things up.

  2. You've got the best of both worlds here! Love it! It is strange how caught up in our hair we women are. I hate it, as I have Tina Turner hair and constantly trying to tame it (wish I had her legs) And I love brunette hair of every color too, but alas, I can not wear it for the pale face I am. Congrats on the new cut, ya did good.

    1. Thank you! My stylist was leaning towards the cut with long bangs, but I told her I was scared of them, and that this would be easier for me - a bit of the short, and then the long, tuck-able side. I was hoping it didn't come out like a mullet with a party on one side and business on the other, or however the saying goes.

      Your blonde suits you very well, and you look like you have terrific hair. And I'm with you on wishing for Tina Turner legs. Hers are amazing.

  3. Love it! So you went with Beyonce's bob... but shorter! :D

    1. Yes! Much! Thank you! I love it, too! It was the short I needed with the long I also needed. :)

  4. Oh, that is a darling cut! You look great!

    I think men can be just as invested in their hair -- look what happens when they start to lose it!

    1. Thank you! And you make a good point. I am sure that balding is super traumatic.

  5. Oh, you look amazing! So fresh and easy to deal with - and dare I say like a hip mom that is in the know ;)

    1. Oh, thank you! It feels very fresh and springy. I am ready to embrace the hope of spring!

  6. Oh I love it! So chic and compliments your lovely face and bright smile. I love that you love it, that's the best part.

    1. You are the sweetness. Big hugs to you! It was just what I needed.

  7. That cut looks amazing on you!

    I get to be a hair model this weekend at a hair show, so while I've told them I don't want super short hair, I have no idea what I'm going to get! I'm very excited. My hair is very much like yours. Stick straight and fine and flat. I'm hoping for a new, fun cut!

    1. Cheryl! That is super exciting! What a cool thing to be involved in, and I love that you are up for it! Lots of people wouldn't be. I would love to see a picture, if you like it and would be willing to share.

    2. I'm definitely going to get some before and after shots so I'll send you them. The show is Monday so it will be after that. Have a great weekend with your new hair!

  8. Fun, fantastic cut. Your happiness is palpable.
    It's funny because I'm the opposite. I feel the worst when mine is long, like I'm hiding. I feel strong and free with it super short. I have to continually remind my stylist it's my hair, not hers. She likes to change things up. I don't. -Dana

  9. LOVE this! You are so awesome, just going for it! Let this be an inspiration to me, stuck again in an "I'm going to grow it out" phase and with no patience for styling, just looks flat and boring.
    And, re: the ponytail - you could always bring back a side pony with this cut, ha!

  10. That cut suits you. It has some movement and some edge and while still working the sleek.

  11. That haircut is drop-dead gorgeous on you. No lie.


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