
Thursday, April 03, 2014

Which is fine as I've never grown out of the 80s really anyway

Today I linked to this post from when I was 21 weeks pregnant with Jordan - which was FIVE years ago today! Five years!

Five years ago I was pregnant and thinking I was enormous. Ha! And five years ago today my dad was still alive, and would be for another six weeks.

Five years ago we hadn't yet signed our lives and first-born away to buy the grand hotel and sink our blood and sweat and tears into it for, well, ever.

Five years ago we hadn't so many things. There's a lot to chew on.

One of my friends remarked on my post that it was the golden age of blogging in DC back then, which was true. It was so much fun to blog and meet other local bloggers.  I was very immersed in it and made a number of friends who became in-person friends that I still see, even though some of them have left blogging behind.

I wonder periodically if I should do the same. I read a line somewhere recently about blogging being so eight years ago or something of the sort, and I was thinking, well, yah. But I like it. I don't do it so much anymore, particularly as I'm trying to focus on other writing, but...I like it.

So at the moment, my little corner of the Internet is still here. No matter how eight years ago I might be.


  1. And we're so lucky you're still here!

    1. Such huge hugs to you, Laura! I wouldn't know you but for the blogging!

    2. And hugs to you, Lisa! I will state right here that you are the only person I've met in person *after* getting to know you by way of your blog. And I'm so glad to have made the effort, and so glad to know you!

  2. I think, as much as I loved ranting and raving on mine, the "problem" I got to know all of you in the real world. The blog stopped being my secret identity and then I had to be careful about what I wrote. No more TMITs (though they're still up there, I own what I write). Also, as I've moved from one job to another, and gained responsibility with each move, I really can't be shouting at the wind anymore.

    1. Yah, I definitely see what you are saying. Oh, the era of TMITs! I'd almost forgotten about those!

  3. I'm glad you're still here. I've been reading you for so long, I don't know how I would recover if you stopped writing.

  4. I love your blog! And I can't believe how long you've been at it! Congrats!

  5. Yay! You are one of the few blogs I always read even when I've been quiet blogging myself. I reckon one day we'll meet up.

  6. I hope you keep liking it. I've been reading since before you were pregnant with Jordan, and continue to check in from time to time. This is also my first time commenting, which now that I think about it, is pretty creepy. Sorry about that!

    I started reading back before you and Nick were married, but I'm not sure how I found you. But, while I'm sharing? Remember your post about that awful New Yorker article about the lady that scratched a hole in her head? That's my mother. And I was already a reader. What a crazy, small world.


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