
Monday, June 16, 2014

Please help me choose a design!

Hi friends!

So you know I am going on this little overnight walk in just under two weeks. And I got this idea that maybe I would create a shirt just for the occasion.

I chose this photo, which I think says so many things about my dad and my childhood. Which, in case you're wondering, had a lot of joyful moments. And I had a brother I used to laugh and play with as well. I like that he is in the picture.

Dad could play by ear, and he played beautifully. We always had a piano, and when I was growing up, he played all the time.
Originally, I was just going to put the photo on a shirt. I've chosen CustomInk, mainly because a neighbor works for the company and I like him and from what I know, it seems like the kind of company I like to support.

1. Just the picture. On fuchsia, because it's a color I love and one my dad did as well.
But then Nick thought that was kind of stark and a little proportionally odd.

2. So then I decided to put two pictures on. The original at the top, and a fragmented one below. You know, symbolism and all.

And then! Then this very kind friend of Nick's, who I only knew in person for an awesome weekend in Maine but consider a friend as well, surprised me by sending me his ideas for shirt designs.

3. Love:

4. Dad:

5. Here's both of his options on fuchsia:
What do you think?


  1. I really like the "love" design. I think it highlights what's most important.

    1. I like the LOVE one as well. I think I'm more likely to re-wear that one than the Dad one.

  2. I like either 2 (I agree with Nick re the proportions) or 4 on the fuscia.

    1. Yah, I think he is right on the proportions. And whichever I choose will be in fuchsia, for sure!

  3. I like the Dad design. What an awesome gift from your kind friend.

    1. Yes, wasn't it incredibly kind? Out of the blue! So sweet.

  4. I thought I liked the Love one best but now I like the Dad one too. I think I'd like them on a white tee though, just with that bit of color. What ever one you choose, they are all nice. Cant really go wrong with either one. I am not one bit of help now am I?

    1. Lynn, you are basically saying what keeps going around my head. They are all nice; I can't go wrong; white is nice; color is nice; Love is cool; Dad is good; the squares are cool and show the entire picture...Basically, I'm no help to myself.

  5. I like the Dad one the most, but I also like "Love." I just feel like his face gets cut off a little too much with the E. Both are great, though!

    1. Thank you! I feel like the Love one shows more of the picture, but some still gets cut off. I am torn! Torn!

  6. 1. Dad in fuchsia 2. Love in fuchsia Can you put one on the front and the other on the back?

    1. Thanks, Heather! I love the fuchsia, but now my friend at the company says I need to talk to them about how it will print out on such a strong color. I may have to go with white for best results. Less fun, but ah, well.

  7. Can you crop the photo differently so more of his face shows in the LOVE one? That would be for the win!

    1. I don't know - I didn't do that (and don't know how!). It is true that I would like more of my dad in there. I am starting to lean toward the entire pic for that reason.

  8. I would rather it say LOVE, but you can't see your dad's face very well on that one. Because of that, I'd go with DAD.


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