
Monday, June 15, 2015

Just a wee little caulk problem

So now, after six years, we're finally installing a backsplash in our kitchen.

It's going to be amazing and I will absolutely take pictures and blog about it because we're going to have a bunch of dragons sprinkled throughout the kitchen and I'm seriously in love with them.

And speaking of dragons, Game of Thrones has killed me. Killed me dead. But that's a whole nother topic.

Because the issue at hand is caulk. (I mean, isn't it always?)

This morning we got a pallet delivered from the tile store with all the field tiles and necessary supplies. The very nice delivery guy opened the plastic to go through all the items with me before having me sign the paperwork.

So all the boxes of tile were there. The unsanded grout in the proper color. The side pieces. The...

"Hey, wait a second. Let me take a look at the caulk. It looks a little bent."

"Oh?" I said this with a straight face.

He took it out of the plastic wrap, shaking his head.  He inspected it and said, "This is no good. You'll need a new one. See this?"

The way it had been wrapped had left the top vulnerable, it seems, and so the squeezy-outy part was broken. He added, though I asked for no explanation, "I used to work with caulk."
I nodded solemnly.

He said he'd call it in once he got back in the truck and have them send me a new one. About five minutes later he called to apologize and say I'd have to report it to customer service myself. He's new to this tile delivery company.

This led me to assume the caulk company, uh, handled things differently.

He said, "Just call and tell them your caulk was broken. They'll send you one immediately."

I thanked him for his diligence and help and called the tile company. I explained my problem with the tip of my caulk and how the delivery guy said it would be unusable. I got put on hold and transferred.

The next customer service person got on the line and said, "Hi! Are you the one with the broken caulk?"

(Breathe, Lisa, breathe.)

"Yes. Everything else was perfect. Just, you know, this little caulk problem."

Couldn't resist.


  1. Hahaha how.. how did you.. omg ahaha

    1. Right? I don't even go looking for caulk. I swear.

  2. Replies
    1. The guy was so nice. He was like, I know my caulk, and this is just not good. And I was like, oh, I totally believe you.

  3. I mean, I'm sorry your supplies arrived damaged, but if one of the things had to arrive damaged, I'm glad it was your caulk.

    I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    1. Exactly. I asked and apparently the caulk is the last piece, so doesn't hold up the project. Really it's at the tail end of things.

  4. Laughing out loud at work reading this. I can't wait to see the backsplash!

    Is it expensive to replace a kitchen backspalsh (if one chooses reasonable materials)? The backspalsh in my kitchen is really dark and I've always wanted to replace it but it's perfectly good tile so I've waited and now I've been in the house 10 years and feel like I'm done with the dark tile. My house is lacking caulk too so maybe this sort of project will bring a little If You Build It, He Will Come karma?

    1. Heather, you have ME laughing out loud with "My house is lacking caulk too so maybe this sort of project will bring a little If You Build It, He Will Come karma?" HAHAHAHAHA!

      I don't know what the labor will turn out to be, so maybe. Apparently tiling is not hard, but Nick has no time and I don't know how. Otherwise we could do it ourselves. But we aren't. In terms of materials, I started by choosing a gorgeous marble mosaic tile that turned out to cost a million gazillion dollars. And then I started googling for Victorian tiles and discovered these dragons and I love them love them love them. The dragons are art, so while kind of expensive, I think justifiable. The field tiles weren't bad. I would be delighted to talk tile with you if you are interested. I've discovered I absolutely love tile. We also don't have a backsplash at all (and really need one), so there's not the issue/expense of removing an existing one.

      As for caulk, that's pretty easy to get. It's choosing the rest of it that seems so complicated.

      We've been waiting MONTHS for our builder to have time, and I am beyond excited. I can't wait to post pics! I think you will love it! It's so fun, and each dragon is a conversation piece.

    2. I'm so glad you got the joke and found it funny! Not that you wouldn't get it - just I'm not good at telling jokes. I am joking but serious on finding a man, I know you know what I mean. Thank you for the details, I appreciate your valuable insight. I've also heard tile is a possible DIY success but I've never tiled and wouldn't want to start in the kitchen (upgrading Scarlett's bathroom maybe). I'd be delighted to discuss tile with you, I'll gather my thoughts first. I am even more excited than before to see your finished backsplash - the dragons sound amazing. Totally agree they are art and worth the expense. I just love your home, you've made it so beautiful.

    3. Heather, you're actually really subtle and funny--you just don't think so. I do know what you mean, and I do believe that you will meet the right man.

      Thanks for the kind words. I think that the kitchen is going to look amazing once they're in. We now have under-cabinet lights as well, which makes it much brighter than when you were here. Word is they're starting tiling tomorrow!!! Can't wait!

  5. Thanks for the laugh you witty one!

    1. Thank you for reading and laughing, Andrea!

  6. Oh how I love your Caulk stories. Tiling is so easy to do I have done floors , splash backs, bathrrom walls etc and a hearth or two as well. Cant wait to see your one finished I love your dragon tiles immensely.

    1. Thanks, Jo! I have heard that tile is not hard, but we are leaving it to the pros. Maybe down the road we will take on a tile project ourselves. I bet it'd be fun. I can't wait to show the finished product! It's going to be so cool!

  7. LOL LOL. It's unfortunate to think there are people who work with caulk so often they no longer find it funny.

    I used to work in insurance and "short term disability" was referred to as "STD". "Did you get that STD claim?" And I would always snicker thinking of someone putting in a disability claim because they got herpes. Not that STD's are funny. But... related to the topic, and to caulk, right?

    1. I agree! I will always, always find things like that funny. I think I'd lose my job if I worked with caulk because I'd giggle about it all the time.


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