
Friday, June 29, 2018

Kind of an incredibly big huge deal to me

My dear friends,

I started this year with a personal goal of getting an essay published in a publication that pays.

I've gotten rejections, which don't feel good but are to be expected.

Sometimes I wonder if I should keep blogging, because I have so many friends who used to blog, but haven't for years. I wonder if I should be making myself write and submit more essays for publication, rather than spending the time on the blog. But I like LG and it keeps me writing, and there are so many stories I tell here that nobody would be interested in publishing.


One night after work a couple months ago, I was waiting for the light to change at the corner of Connecticut and Q. I checked my email  and almost stepped out into traffic.

There was a message from an editor at the On Parenting blog of the Washington Post. She liked my blog. Would I be interested in writing a piece for them?

Would I?!?

It is up today, and you can find it here.

My essay is about talking to my kids about the fact that my dad died by suicide. It is, as you might expect, deeply personal, and I'm so proud to have this piece up at the Washington Post.

Truly incredible people were willing to talk to me. They so generously shared their time and their expertise. I learned a lot that I will use with my kids, and I hope I conveyed my story and the advice  in a manner that's accessible and helpful.

If it resonates, I'd love it if you'd share.




  1. Beautifully written with your always authentic voice.... and practical, mich needed advice for parents and non-parents. I shared on my LinkedIn. Hope you get more opportunities like this!!

    1. Thank you, Carrie! I don't understand why I'm just now seeing this--usually I get notifications. Thank you thank you! Big hugs and thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Lisa,

    Thank you for writing this. I found your blog after reading the essay tonight in the WaPo. I am a psychiatrist and found it moving and will share with my patients who have lost a parent to suicide.

    1. I truly appreciate that. I hope it's helpful to your patients.


Tell me about it.