
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One reason I don't ask my brother for advice

I'm not loving my hair. In fact, I kind of hate it. I went in for highlights and a trim, and came out with short beige hair. In a weird sort of hair mourning, I'm wearing an entirely beige and brown outfit today. If I were in the desert, I'd be invisible.

I don't tend to get upset about hair anymore - it's just hair, after all. But lately my stylist and I are not speaking the same hair language and it bums me out. I'm willing to stick it out for a couple more haircuts and see if it goes back to good again. Because changing stylists is almost as stressful as changing jobs.

I've been going to the same salon for years. The stylist I go to now is my fourth at this place.

The first had a horrible nasal voice with a Michigan accent and gave me bangs, and when I asked why, she denied it. How do you deny bangs? So I ditched her, although there was that weird flinch moment when I wound up getting my hair cut at the next station. We pretended we didn't know each other. Kind of like when you're out on a date and run into someone you went on one or two dates with. Awkward.

The second stylist was this hilarious woman who had incredible stories and got fake boobs somewhere along the way. She quit to open a salon with her boyfriend, so I started going to a friend of hers. Who told me, among a variety of shocking things, that her friend's boyfriend had the most ginormous penis you could imagine.

Anyway. So I went to her for a while, and then she moved to Miami to live the high-heels-by-the-pool life. Which is how I started going to my current stylist, who she recommended and who I generally really like. We just need to get back on a wavelength (no pun) and I pray that happens. I dread starting over.

When I moved to San Diego after grad school, I asked my brother for a recommendation for a hair stylist. Because you can't just pick one out of the blue. He'd been there several years, and he worked with a lot of women. I figured he could help me.

He said, without hesitation, "Absolutely! I've got a woman I love. A bunch of my friends go to her, too."

And so I went off to see this woman, who was in a nice salon. She ignored everything I asked for and gave me a horrible haircut. Horrible.

Which caused me to call up my brother all kinds of upset.

"She sucks! Your stupid haircut woman sucks! She gave me a terrible haircut. Why do you like her so much? What's so great about her?"

"Oh," he said. "Well, she's really hot. Plus when she washes my hair she brushes her boobs against my arm."



  1. A bad haircut or color can only be offset by one thing... some really great new shoes!

  2. hmmm... I'm sure it look fine. Not that I can really relate. A bad haircut for me means I just nicked myself. Have you ever nicked your scalp? It takes forever to stop bleeding.

  3. i like john at loule - i had him chop all my hair off and he did pretty well with it (if you're on facebook, email me, i've got pictures on there :) ). then i went back six weeks later because i wanted to alter the cut a little, and he did a good job with that too.

    the salon is a little...shall we say...unsophisticated, but it's not awful. the upside to the lack of pretension is they (there's a manicurist there too) can be pretty funny. and he only charges $40.

    might be worth a shot if a stylist break-up is in the cards for you...

  4. Susan - You are exactly right! No further justification necessary!

    VVK - I haven't, but I know head wounds bleed like crazy.

    kate.d. - I like unpretentious. Just emailed you. Thanks!

  5. hmmm I have a great girl. she has no boobs though, which although she gave awesome haircuts, dissapointed M when he satrted going to her through me. Personally, as long as they give a good head massage, i'm fine. Confuse me with your rocking fingers and I won't notice the bad haircut.

  6. I cut my own. Come on up every six weeks and I'll cut yours. $5. (You think your hair's short NOW?)

    But back in the day with the low flat top I would have chosen to go to your brother's suggestion. I actually hit on, and subsequently dated my hair stylist. FREE CUTS! But I had to bring her flowers - I think it would have been cheaper to pay her outright.

  7. That hairdresser your brother uses sounds great. Where is she?

  8. mary beth at the PR at partners in tenleytown is wonderful, a good listener and definitely affordable!

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