
Thursday, November 01, 2007

NaBloPoMo or chicken and woe

So I'm participating in National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo.

This means a post a day, every day, for a month. One of my goals is to write every day, and to work on my storytelling, so this is helpful. I know that recently I've gotten slack on weekends.

Plus lately there are lots of days where I just don't know what to write. As one blogfriend described, I'm more of an "Ooh, ooh! Let me tell you what's going on with me!" blogger. But I'm in an odd blog writing place. In part because, and I know this will shock you, there are things going on that I just will not blog about.

Some of them are really good, or possibly leading to good things, and I don't want to share too much or jinx them before they do or don't happen. If this one particularly good thing comes about, I'll be really excited. And it's not a boy thing. I'm not suddenly going to be all, "Hey, you guys! I simply can't find any street parking anywhere! Wink wink nudge nudge!" No, it's not that.

And some of them are not so good, and big enough to take up a lot of space in my mind and heart, but are just not shareable for a variety of reasons. Some things really are too personal.

Which sometimes leaves me with the conundrum: write something not huge or not immediate, when there are huge things I'm thinking about? Or not write?

Because I never want to write "I had chicken for dinner" kinds of things. And I don't want to write a post all, oh, woe is me, I have nothing to write about! Because it's my own choice to write. Nobody is forcing me.

Anyway, on that note, we'll see how far I get into November.

You know, before I bring up the chicken and the woe.


  1. i say bring on the erection skirt and emergency shoes stories. those are always good. I'm doing nablopomo too. I've got quite a few ideas already. :)

  2. If we start a pool, pencil me in for November 13th, at 11:36 a.m.

  3. Just combine them. Oh woe is my chicken.

  4. SD - Cool! We'll do this together!

    FK - A pool! Too funny!

    Sean - You never know. Woe is my chicken is right.

    Rich - Ha! OK, I'll let you.

  5. I signed up too. If I can't come up with anything, my plan is to visit all of the "word of the day" websites and see if that sparks anything.

    You are such a steady poster, I'm sure you'll finish the month. I on the other hand, probably haven't posted 30 times since June...

    I look forward to reading whatever you come up with!

  6. I signed up too. If I can't come up with anything, my plan is to visit all of the "word of the day" websites and see if that sparks anything.

    You are such a steady poster, I'm sure you'll finish the month. I on the other hand, probably haven't posted 30 times since June...

    I look forward to reading whatever you come up with!


Tell me about it.