
Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 32 tummy

I really couldn't include my face in this picture, because I just look so tired and bitter.

I don't know if you've ever been 32 weeks pregnant, but if so, you know it's not the most fun you've ever had.

And then if you've been 32 weeks pregnant and spent the evening packing boxes, you know it pretty much sucks a tremendous amount of ass. And so you might have on a very tired sour pickle face.

But it might also make you smile to see that the boxers you are wearing produce, in their scrunched down state, a similar effect to your erection skirt.

And then you are hit with the fact that really, in not so long, the large jicama (???) you're currently carrying is going to become a little human living outside your body! And then you can start to work on getting back to a place where you might wear outfits you think are cute, and mince around feeling cute in them.

The end, it is in sight!

And today, should all go well, we close on the new place. And move for the second time in a month.

And don't move again for 30 years.


  1. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you - both on the awesome new house front, and on the not moving again for 30 years front!

    Also, I have no idea how big a jicama is either.

  2. Count the blessings you have that these are the simpler times. When that baby comes out of you, the whole equation changes. And when he starts crawling and reaching for things... Watch out! It'll make Apollo 13 look like a joy ride.

  3. wow, i can not believe you're 32 weeks already!
    i mean i know you've updated us almost every week but it just seems like you went from HEY I'M PREGGO! to I'M ABOUT TO POP OUT A BABY in no time flat.
    this is so exciting and i don't even know you!

    (and packing sucks a big one on a sunny day so i can only imagine how awful it is at 32wks!)

  4. Oh my, you've gotten bigger in the last week! You look beautiful! Imagined pickle face and all. (Pickle face! Haha!)

    Also, if I had to choose between chasing a two year old and moving house, while pregnant, I think I'd stick with the two year old. At least the boxes stay where you put them! Of course when I hit 32 weeks that could change...

  5. I will be keeping a good thought for you three - hoping your closing goes well.

    Two finish lines in sight, two new adventures to begin.

  6. How did blogger just eat my comment? Oh well...

    I will be keeping a good thought for you three - hoping your closing goes well.

    Two finish lines in sight, two new adventures to begin.

  7. "The end is in sight"??? You can see 18 years and two months into the future Lisa? Just kidding darlin', my SiL made it through a move with about six weeks left last year (although they were #s 3 and 4 rather than 1). Best of luck on all fronts.

  8. I've never been 32 weeks pregnant, but I've moved and THAT ALONE sucks! I can't even imagine doing it pregnant! But soon, you'll be home!! And then you'll have a new little to love on!!!

  9. Those are the greatest boxers EVER. I think you should forget "maternity" clothing and just wear those from now on. Hey, at least it would be one hell of a conversation starter. For.. um.. awkward conversations.
    Which are always fun!

  10. 32 weeks is a milestone in itself. I have a friend who is a neonatologist. When I was pg, he told me once I made it to 32 weeks, I was in the clear. (Obviously, we want the boy to cook until he's supposed to, but it's a nice thing to know).

    Hooray for new houses, but BOO to moving. We did it when Jess was 5 months old. I swore then that I wouldn't move again, ever!

  11. Yay for closings! It's a big day for you. And I love how the shadow of the erection boxers makes it look even more impressive.

  12. 32 weeks! congratulations :)

  13. Pickles? Jicama?

    Now I'm hungry. Again.

    You can do it!

  14. Congrats on the house!! And can I just say that I am super excited about "meeting" your little one! I can not wait for you to have this baby!

  15. Moving sucks in general, but I imagine it's pretty God awful with a 32 week belly. But as you said, at least it's no more moving for another 30 years! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. And if it doesn't, don't sweat it. It will all work out in the end. :)

  16. Congratulations on the new home. Things are crazy now, but trust me, you'll look back years from now and say, that sucked...but you'll say it with a smile: )

  17. Happy Moving Day! So excited for you on the new house - you'll be settled and unpacked in no time.

  18. Congrats! That is very good news and I wish you an easy transition into your new house. =-) And, your new cut-offs. ;-)

  19. Gorgeous big baby belly Lisa. :D
    Yah moving sux, I turn into a "two headed bitch troll from hell" on moving day and now all my friends refuse to help me move again and say I have to stay where I am.........Luckily I love living by the beach and have no intention of moving again.

  20. I am so glad you mentioned the erection skirt because when I saw this pic, I was tickled by the resemblance.

    You look great! And yay! that time is coming. Good luck on the move.

  21. You are going to be the most adorable family I ever did see. SOON!


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